Friday, January 7, 2011

What Is Strep Of The Butt

The leaders Depor is imposed on a tough measure to Saint Lucia

Sennori Thursday, January 6, 2011. The first game of the new year sees in front of the Saint Lucia and the league leaders Deportivo Turritano, veterans of the first two defeats in a row and the second positive series in full. Saint Lucia as usual in training and remodeled with some ailments.
Training fielded by Mr. G. Brau: A. Mannu on goal, defense Desini R. Stefaneddu and central Nurra G. Lorimer and N. lateral in midfield Masaleddu, Penna Bianca e Lizzeri C. centrali, Casada G. e Ruggero sulle fasce; in avanti agiva il solo Leppereddu; a disposizione: Robertino, Patignho, Sanna D., Brau G., Zlatan, Manghina P., Pintadu G.
Cronaca. Palla al centro e tiro dei turritani con la palla che per poco non beffa Mannu A. mentre si faceva il segno della croce, il Deportivo prende subito l'iniziativa e dopo pochi minuti si rende pericoloso con un tiro da dentro l'area piccola che scheggia la parte superiore della traversa, l'undici ospite continua arrembante ad attaccare e con buoni fraseggi si porta più volte vicino alla porta dei locali senza però rendersi particolarmente pericoloso. Dopo una prima fase di sbandamento il Santa Lucia inizia a recuperare meters and build some dangerous action, the first time greedy actions noteworthy or dangerous shots on both sides (or at least I do not recall it ..), to signal the release of an injury to an opponent in a conflict with Hare had the worse and was accompanied by ambulance to the emergency room for questioning.
fraction with Second Saint Lucia grittier looking just the way of scoring with a court that collects Leppereddu wrong the goalkeeper and kicks from far away, but the weak shot allows the goalkeeper to resume position and parry with no worries. The
Depor is proposed with good phrasing and always tries to hit with fast counterattacks, P. Manghina (Replaced with the restart to Roger on the left wing) had the ball twice in good area very well launched by Hare but on both occasions LK left, unbalanced by the defenders guests and short preparation fails to give the correct power to the ball.
The best time of Saint Lucia, however, the goal of arriving guests with more of their little one on a kick that sneaks into the area and unmarked bag can comfortably head from close range. Meanwhile
Pintadu G. had replaced Lizzeri C. Zlatan and replaces a worn Leppereddu, the Saint Lucia vehemently sought a balanced and carried several times near the area of \u200b\u200bTurritani, but was exposed to counter-attack of guests in one occasion went close to doubling with a shot to shoot their attacker touched the far post.
At the 25th minute was his entry into the field after the injury that forced him to miss a few games in place of the Pastry Chef G. Casada, and moments later Bau G. Penna Bianca noted. Neli last ten minutes of the game we witnessed the siege of the premises to the opponent's goal, before Manghina P. face to face with the goalkeeper pulled weakly on the certificate, then the pastry chef searching the net from close range but the host defense saved on the line. A few moments before Stefaneddu was sent off for a second yellow card for a hard tackle on an opponent who reacted and was who was also ejected. In
recovery goalkeeper A. Mannu extending in a guest area on a free kick and as he was about to receive was a foul ball in the middle of three opponents, the referee pointed to the floppy, took charge of the bar Pintadu G., while on the bench to pull him pawing Robertino the same rigor, Pintadu G. displacing goalkeeper but angling too, slammed the ball on the pole and out to the side of our disbelief and joy of bringing home Turritani sweaty these 3 points that allow him to stretch the top of the standings.
then open the new year as it had closed the previous one, and that is with a defeat, although he disputed a call Saint Lucia male little allowing the leaders, lacked a little luck we hope to arrive early on Saturday Codrongianos, where will Desini R. for work that can no longer make his contribution to the team, and almost certainly Stefaneddu which will be disqualified by a referee, who was not hope to recover ....
Saturday, Jan. 8 meeting at 16:15 at the Ambassador are all united to hinder traffic.


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