Sunday, January 16, 2011

Chicken Perlow Crockpot

More on influenza vaccination

Henceforth we are in winter and as usual we are seeing the hackneyed diatribe about the usefulness of vacinzione against seasonal influenza (which shall contain, in addition to 'H3N2 A / B and Perth / Brisbane, the famous H1N1).

theme this year will resume offering different tones and see the failure of the vaccination campaign last year against pandemic influenza, rejected by patients and doctors. and the doubts and controversy over the safety and efficacy of vaccination.

proprosito A national immunization campaign these days is the news that Finland has blocked the administration of H1N1 vaccine for fear of a relationship between the vaccine and the increasing incidence of narcolepsy (300% over the past six months among children and young people).

In Sweden the National Agency for Medicines, after receiving numerous reports of suspected cases of narcolepsy-related vaccinations, has informed the European Medicine Agency (EMA). A Supervisory Committee will investigate the possible causal relationship, after similar reports from other European countries such as Norway, France and Germany.

Of course the media led by the power of multinational drug companies communicate information on the number on the sick (how many people in bed with the flu?) And some doomsday predictions about the victims. Inevitably follow any official communication from the health authorities or the various associations of doctors and specialists to encourage everyone to get vaccinated.

Commercial advertising, direct or hidden will diminish only when the stock of vaccines will begin to decline. But as long as the vaccines are still in storage, the propaganda will be aggressive marketing and the increasingly widespread.

Ricodro that the influence is impossible to distinguish from other viral forms the basis of clinical symptoms alone. We use the term of flu-like illness to define the flu-like illnesses, whose real influence, towards which there is a vaccine, representing approximately 10% of the total, according to some studies even only 6%. This confusion is a cause of distortion in social impact assessment, morbidity and lethality of the flu, which can be diagnosed with certainty only through laboratory tests. E 'on this misconception that it generates a lot of propaganda: it neglects to mention that the vaccine may only confer immunity against the virus that is targeted.

Scientific evidence shows that: the vaccine in children under 2 years are as effective as the placebo, that is nothing.

There is no evidence that vaccines reduce mortality or between children and between adults.

The absence from work of employed adults was reduced by about two hours only.

There is no correlation between the incidence of influenza and reduce mortality and immunization coverage in the institutionalized elderly.

In fact, the evidence of effectiveness that you have are weak and expectations of the benefits are not realistic. The history of medicine is full of treatments entered in the practice and doctrine but no certainty of safety and efficacy. The flu vaccine is a prime example of imperfect communication between scientific research and medical practice. The vaccination campaign is not based on scientific evidence, but on the intertwining of the industry that produces vaccines, and institutions that take decisions and behaviors often in the shadow of conflict of interest.

T. Jefferson Influenza vaccination: policy versus evidence. BMJ 2006; 333: 912-915.
Jefferson T, Smith S, Demicheli V et al. Assessment of the efficacy and effectiveness of influenza vaccine in healthy children; Systematic review. Lancet 2005, 365: 773-780.
Szilagji PG, Fairbrother G, Griffin MR, et al.Influenza vaccine effectiveness Among children 6 to 59 months of age During 2 influenza seasons. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2008, 162:943-51.
T. Jefferson Influence. Clinical Evidence. Available at T. Jefferson Influence. Clinical Evidence. Available at
Grandori L. Vaccinating healthy children against influenza: what ACP obiettivi.Quaderni 2007, 14 (3): 122 -230, 340: c2947 QQACP7, 14 (3): 122-123
M. Grazia Bruzzone, restart the controversy over vaccines S. Brownlee Lenzes J. International 2009 Nov; 36-44


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