Saturday, January 22, 2011

What Does My Stomach Stick Out

O'zapft is - MONEY NEVER

weekend time reporting.
derived weekly.
fdax: + 24,399.19 euros net (loss to be recovered - 11,352.00 euros).
total YTD 48,836.33 + euros net or
+ 14.36% than capital starting in 2010 (340,000 euros).
graphic account

position responsible for: 8 * 7015> 7000 [potential loss to the actual values \u200b\u200b-12,838 euros]

update graph
graphically remain quite baffled by certain movements of the DAX (added reason that a certain shortage of time that are useful in times has taken away the possibility of even greater satisfaction weekly).

end of 2010 we were given some rough news for 2011 and we loved that we were expecting a correction with the same Themistius of 2010 or in January / February. remain the same idea (if only for what you write three paragraphs), but at this point are considered more dangerous for those who work in the short to very short, a short position (which makes us what happened yesterday yet more annoying).

on all indices (larger ones) have appeared or are appearing for some time (dax vds) signals hyper (the German money flow is terribly high in spite of the congestion in effect) but we are convinced that will not give up before they have reached some news of reflection (smoke and mirrors) and for the DAX is the one already indicated in 7230/50, for 'to bear 12/12200 and for the SP500 1315.

also its that we are close to a major correction. a drop that kind of return the dax on top of congestion in October ruined us on those values \u200b\u200b(6350/6400) we will certainly the opportunity to build up in long over.

the next will be the last quintet of the month and if we close above 6914 would be the fifth consecutive month with little black top growing. we have defined the pattern as a last four months, a typical bottom up. this is especially true for the current situation, even though it is true that the DAX has been shown to rise to 6 months in a row but in that case, the macro environment was quite different from the current one (to tell the truth still has to be reported a quarterly beginning of that removed the accounting year, is still giving a lot of satisfaction [GE closed yesterday at its highest for 26 months for the happiness of w.buffet]).

in summary, we have a more positive view of news in order to achieve the above, however, convinced coatings that by February there will be a correction with more or less important values \u200b\u200bcertainly less than the minimum in January (6700/750).

MON has a stop on the road - 5.68% per week to which is added a cross-indexed by 1, 78%. not weeks, but there may be after the last period.

the next fives, as I mentioned earlier, will have its defining moment in the FOMC. not because of the low rates that are not yet a certainty but a novelty for a while, as for the report outline that tells us or rather we will confirm how the Fed intends to continue his way. There will two other data weight: goods and GDP. do not forget that the SMEs will be engaged Europeans in the morning on Monday.

on bbc the other day there was talk of feng shui index ( about anyone with a little short systematically China and see the performance of not surprise me that it was initiated medium-term downward movement). on 3 February 4 pv the Chinese calendar will be governed by the rabbit (which is a good omen silvio friend and all his emotional problems and do not smile ...) to which the feng shui (wind or water) to this' years associated with water and metal. I leave you to read because tra il serio e il faceto c'è sempre da imparare (come a breve dirò). in particolare per quel che ci interessa
... the market will go up but every now and then it will slow down take a breath, take a look at the surroundings, evaluating what is going on and continue to go up. It will be a zigzag market...
e soprattutto softness will remain in place until April and May when the market will experience a slight rebound. The real rally will be seen after the summer as the second half of the year will see a sustained market rally despite the rabbit hopping into a ditch in September...
sarà un coniglio "metallico" come nel 1951: + 14,8% to bear.
1951: China and the USA are at war (under cover of a family feud in Korea). The Dow Every track Seems To advance and retreat. Ends up, at least. Unlike the war.
I close by noting that according to the Chinese horoscope my wife and I share the sign of the snake in the fire, which pair (see the arcane system has kept us busy for a while Thursday night, while our riccardo [a metal tiger ] colassava spitting after saying its the ass (I think it's sort of a good night because he does often), I smile.

the transition from a WeTrade Webank ended up PLUS24 de IlSole24Ore today (to be read because There are some items that deserve to be preserved for future reference: to think that our Richard has already contracted a private debt of over 8k [evidently diapers cost] to which we add 31K to the public, does a little thinking. about debt on the world of this week I read that in 8 years the debt of Paris alone has tripled to 2.8 billion euros coming albeit against investments that have nothing to do with our local roma (12.6 billion!) where the debt is growing but serious investments, docet gp car, I understand you have never seen the shadow for years. )

contains the previously mentioned THE WORLD also an interview with the owner of the Brembo (brakes so dear to soc, smile) and a comparison of margins between bargaining systems in Europe, what with that lately I find myself increasingly having to deal with in my business with a further commitment to study also school (something I normally do at home along with Smurf. you never know one day decides to continue the tradition).

or less two weeks before a healthy break. I think my wife has already prepared the bags (or at least has started to sprinkle in cause I'm beautiful sight in the garage), I smile. Despite the last few days have not been this lily (at least compared to other parts of Italy) your family has a strong need of the sun.


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