Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tuxedo Sewing Pattern Womens

From riches to rags: Under the Flood a tie with recriminations against the vice-leaders An electric

Saturday, January 29, 2011
Porto Torres. Saint Lucia in positive series are presented to the vice-leaders, who needs three points to keep in touch by rivals Deportivo. Some nice dark gray clouds welcome us to the camp in Via delle Vigne, the field does not occur in spite of all that bad, just time to finish the heating and the clouds drop their precious cargo of water with constant intensity. Mr. Brau
can count almost the entire rose, exceptions are made for disqualified and Masaleddu Lepperetti for Nurra G. Grin and recovering, so the team decided to deploy it: A. Mannu goalkeeper, defense with his brothers Nicholas and Stephen Lorimer central lateral G. Mannu and Nolis R.; midfield with Lizzeri C., G. Pintadu Penna Bianca and central Casada G. Pastry and on the flanks, forward Sanna R.; available: Brau G., Sanna D., Zlatan, C. Tedder, Patignho, Robertino, Roger L.; Cellino also the Patron for the event came directly from Miami. In this bench also helped by John Fara managerVito Hare and the team committed, with a bottle of wine, 2 liters.
Chronicle. The two teams start immediately to create thousands and now of scoring chances, one of these is now the home team ahead in the 10th minute with a left turn in his number 11. They spend about five minutes, and Saint Lucia is now a draw with Pancake on that launch Pintadu G. and fake Sanna R. you 'to find free on the left and force the local joke out right with a soft bag that the edge of the pole, then 1-1 in the 15th minute. Meanwhile the rain is' more consistent and the lines of the field begin to be invisible, the referee decided to suspend the game after a quick huddle and decide to continue, with Saint Lucia at this stage shows superior opponent, despite being subjected to cross-kick, A Mannu . is more than twice smanacciando dip in the tense and well directed shots from the Castilians. At 25 °
Penna Bianca dribble a couple of opponents into the area and even after missing the goalkeeper comes from the latter landed in the midst of buccioccule, decreed the penalty and the referee warned the goalkeeper, the Saint Lucia as a protest at that time because the goalkeeper was sent off for a foul on the last man, the game definitely would have changed but the referee did not justify the expulsion with the phrase "It was to play .." it's not clear who or what to play, but so we continue to play and within minutes of white feather stole a ball in the middle of lakes and presents himself in front of goalkeeper corner lot the shot but the goalkeeper miraculously manages to Turritano divert for a corner. The
Castile creates some occasions with fast counterattacks and near the Port Orange with her at number eleven in a good position to be unable to find the right time to shoot, the first time that ends with two conclusions dangerous Casada G. one that comes in from the right side and a short walk from touching a bucciocula and squirts out a little.
with Saint Lucia Prime time ahead and Gianni Fara visibly impaired by alcohol, pool present grin is Bisio flirting passionately into their car.
Second fraction that begins immediately with the Turritani who seek balance and Saint Lucia is a little muted compared to the first time strong field that besides becoming a gigantic wave pool and just beginning to be dimly lit so that Pintadu G . in a couple of occasions does not recognize me and send me to hell mistaking them for an opponent. The Castile to break even on the 5th minute with his number 11, which in my humble opinion blatantly pulls Nolis that because of superpozzanghera can not postpone the Castile and draw without the referee did not note any irregularities not help darkness, and we're 2-2. A few minutes later
Castile enjoying a free-kick from the edge, is in charge of the bar the usual number of 11 that left a parable that draws A. Mannu darkness can not decipher and that bag into the top corner without anyone being able to speak for 3-2 of the premises. Mr. Brau
runs for cover and replace Casada G. with Roger and Lizzeri C. auto-insertion, it will prove a winning move of coach orange.
the 15th minute Sanna R. hit the crossbar with a shot from outside the box to turn on which there was nothing the goalkeeper, riveted on Pancake was pulled and slid to the ground without being able to hit the ball or free kick serve Penna Bianca (considered by many penalty foul, I think very doubtful).
As I entered the shower I hear the roar of one thousand five hundred supporters of Saint Lucia, the orange, ten remained in the expulsion of Pintadu G. protests for a few minutes earlier, to break even with their coach neoentrato G. Brau, who headed a free-kick on the development of by Mannu G. filed online for the 3-3 final. Last 10 minutes
affected by torrential rain and played in nine men following the expulsion from Saint Lucia Sanna R., in which Turritani try in vain a goal that would have allowed them to keep pace with the tread Deportivo.
Today's Saint Lucia was undoubtedly the best of the season, he deserved the three points for the determination and look especially demonstrated for the first time, as, although not the fault of the arbitration and the expulsion of goalkeeper ' outnumbered showed tenacity and ball square in the endgame to a balanced and taking nine against a team in recent years has almost always won the tournament.
be noted however that the two teams have played the game in the name of fairness, and cleaning the locker rooms with which they welcomed us in the last bottle of wine from the empty 2-liter 3 companions of Saint Lucia mentioned above. Come back to Sennori ciggioni big meal of the sauce by Andrea Sias at the Bistro. In late
reported Gianna Fara in confusion in the streets of downtown shortly after midnight some Snijder have accompanied him to his house where he was severely rebuked by his wife who immediately imposed a two-match ban ..
not give up!
Force Saint Lucia !!!!!

Hb-p90d23al-dj Replacement Plate

O'zapft is - NEVER SLEEP

weekend time reporting.
derived weekly.
fdax: + 383.10 euros net (loss to be recovered - 10,968.90 euros).
total YTD + 49,219.43 euros net or
+ 14.48% compared to starting capital 2010 (340.000 euros).
graphic account
notes: intraday chart is also indicated in red shorts initiated by the over 7015 and concluded Friday, January 21 [8 * 7072] and us Tuesday [8 * 7075], when the number of people over will become "useful" for a chart will provide the spin off.
despite the series is still low at our disposal we have drawn on the basis of the experience in September 2010, a graphic projection of our annual news. the calculation was made for 44 weeks regardless of the actual operating days trading [MAX5-min1]. is a conservative estimate (in favor or against us if we look at the side of the 8 weeks of potential disengagement). on the one hand the chart will also help us to better measure visually any unnecessary risks, the other the weekly limit us in good conseverà voltage during operation.

update graph
are at the beginning of the long-awaited correction? if you look at your weekly Americans seem to be [the dax is the only major index to close a weekly positive but was lender two weeks of a situation of out performance relative to the rest].

if we look at the geopolitical situation, the maladies of North Africa seem to fall in bean. tase and the adx now have losses of more than 3. bags will not be significant, but waiting to see the Asian headway worth taken into account as a precaution.

nevertheless remain convinced of the goodness of view expressed last week (but do not fix it before they have reached the news indicated); deny it only in cases where the DAX were to close below 6920.

the coming week is heavy data: ISM and employment [for Europe] . on the latter intervened ("... Bernanke this week shooting too weak to reduce unemployment and Geithner ...") with very realistic view photographed by The Economist in a series of slides interrogation.

second Markit Eurozone retail sales (Italy, Germany and France) increased pace not seen since 2006. official figures released on Thursday on which we hope to trade (!). consumption = more inflation. maybe. we'll know more in the weeks since the draft of the flash and ecb that motivate the maintenance of rates at their current level.

Wirtschafts Woche this week devotes ample space to the topic.
and saw that the themes intersect and Italy has some history of devaluation on inflation we mark enjoy reading that lacked a bit in this blog.

MON earned this week with a 2% cross unchanged.

who made "The World" from yesterday you will find an editorial entitled "Capital is, sheet no." there are shown several persons who were in favor different solutions. among these, however, does not indicate that a pilgrim Capaldo whose conduct did not discuss in just weeks.

noted other two articles from "PLUS24" de "IlSole24Ore" today. on the second I reserve the right to return because the subject is interesting (I had already spoken at the end of 2007 on the thread "correction" of advfn).

a week at this time I'll fly with Richard and his mamy direction Amsterdam and from there to here . ten days to remove, dry them (maybe) and prepare for a very challenging on several fronts after (it will be a fine leak test for the whole tribe).

Difference Between Icy And Rock

EEC Directive on herbal medicine. Entrance to the lobbies of the drug here

It is said that from next April 1, 2011, that is between four months, they will disappear from selling supplements, natural medicines, traditional, closed the schools of naturopathy and homeopathy, and will be burned all the books on natural subjects. News
that certainly fall into a clear strategy.
Spreading news is not feasible (at least in the) part of a media strategy to divert masses.
who does will never believe that books will disappear, or even to be closed down schools several decades of naturopathy?
As this in the short term this is impossible, the result is that everything becomes meaningless.

try to do some 'clarity.

Directive 2000/13/EC
studied before the directive of March 20, 2000 when the bureaucrats of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe approved the Directive 2000/13/EC "on the approximation of laws Member States relating to the labeling and presentation of food, and advertising "
In this Directive, entry into force May 26, 2000, s labeling the talks at EU level.

Article 2

1. The labeling and methods used must not:

b) (...) any foodstuff the property of preventing, treating or curing a human disease or refer to such properties .

in this Directive can not be "attributed to food property of preventing, treating or curing a human disease or refer to such property." what the bureaucrats are for "food" can be found in Directive 2002/46/EC.

Directive 2002/46/EC Directive 2002/46/EC, which culminate this time in Luxembourg, " on the laws of the Member States relating to food supplements " is very interesting !

In Italy has been implemented with Legislative Decree no. 169, 21 May 2004 and published in the Official Gazette no. 164, July 15, 2004.

Article 1 1. This directive applies to supplements food marketed as foodstuffs and presented as such.

Article 1 of Directive 2002/46, " food supplements, are marketed as" food , "and as such, the Directive 2000/13 seen before, you are NOT can give them any property " preventing, treating or curing a human disease .
Article 2, paragraph b) instead, you specify that the vitamins and minerals are considered " nutrients "Or" nutrients, "and in paragraph a)" food supplements "may consist of a" concentrated source of 'nutrients' . One can conclude that for both vitamins and minerals are considered "food !

Article 2

the purposes of this Directive shall apply:

a) "food supplements" means products foodstuffs to supplement the normal diet and which are concentrated sources of nutrients or other substances with a nutritional or physiological (...);

b) "nutrients" or "nutrient" means the following substances :

i) vitamins,

ii) minerals.

is the first step epochal change " mineral ", " vitamins "and" plants, "first in" supplements "and then" food "(food supplements), also specifying the recommended dose for daily intake (the RDA ridiculous). Dose not to exceed, of course!
not all, because in support of that directive, the Ministry of Health has provided a list of permitted plants (Table B: " herbs used in dietary supplements") and a list of substances not allowed (400, Table A : "herbs whose deliberate use is not allowed ").
All the plants mentioned in the latter list were removed from the market, creating confusion among sellers and consumers, and serious economic problems for producers!
Just to understand the situation, there are many cases where the same tree appears in both lists, only differentiated from the use (seed, flower or bark for example). Even more confusion and enormous economic damage to those small and medium-sized companies who may have invested money on the products, rather than a specific plant.

If we consider that the Directive 90/496/EEC of September 24, 1990, as "food " are those " intended to restaurants, hospitals, canteens and similar establishments " c IOE only food!
typed immediately after Article 1, paragraph 2) that the Directive (90/496/EEC) does not apply to mineral water and " diet integrators / food supplements "
It 's the first time since 1990, which are vitamins and minerals regarded as "food " with the consequences we've seen over and we'll see shortly.
Now we come to the Directive that sparked the riots over the web.

Directive 2004/24/EC
This having been published in the Official Journal The 136 on 30/04/2004, does not enter into force, as is said in the web, April 1, 2011, but the following month, ie May 1, 2011.

Malpensante This eliminates the head of an "April fool" of catastrophic dimensions. The Directive 2004/24
change " for traditional herbal medicinal products, Directive 2001/83/EC on the Community code relating to medicinal products for human use .
has famously become known Directive amending an earlier directive, the 2001 / 83, 6 November 2001, which defines " Medicinal Products for Human Use", to be exact going to change the "traditional herbal medicines .

What are these medicines?
The Directive is clear in this purpose and defines " medicine "," traditional herbal medicinal product "and" medicinal plant. "
The generic term " medicine", the definition is as follows:

(Step 2) paragraph a) any substance or combination of substances presented for treating or preventing human, or paragraph b) any substance or combination of substances that can be used in or administered to human beings with restoring, correcting or modifying physiological functions by exerting a pharmacological, immunological metabolic, or to making a medical diagnosis.

For " traditional herbal medicinal product":

29) herbal medicinal product that meets the requirements of Article 16 bis, paragraph 1.

For " herbal medicinal product":

30) Any medicinal product exclusively containing as active ingredients one or more herbal substances or one or more herbal preparations, or one or more herbal substances in combination with one or more herbal preparations.

Article 16 bis, paragraph 1 is said to have established a simplified registration procedure for herbal medicinal products that meet ALL the following requirements:

a) they have indications exclusively appropriate to traditional medicines plant which, by virtue of their composition and their purpose, are intended for use without medical supervision for diagnostic purposes, a prescription or monitoring of treatment;

b) they are administered only in a specified strength and dosage;

c) it is a preparation for oral use, external and / or inhalation;

d) has passed the period of traditional use of Article 16 c, par. 1, letter c);

s) data on the traditional use of medicine is sufficient, in particular the product proves not to be harmful under conditions of use and the pharmacological effects or efficacy are plausible on the basis of long use and experience date.

Apart from the first three paragraphs, the letter d) provides a traditional period of time established in Article 16 quater, paragraph 1 letter c). Quarter
Article 16, paragraph 1 letter c).

" bibliographical or expert evidence expert evidence that the product, or a corresponding product has been in medicinal use for at least thirty years before the date of application, including at least 15 years in the Community. At the request of the Member State in which it was submitted the registration application for traditional use of herbal medicinal products the Committee expressed an opinion on the demonstration of the use of long-standing product, or the corresponding product. The Member State shall submit relevant documentation supporting the request "

A product that works, if you can not establish his continued employment for at least 30 years before the date of application is likely to be banned and removed from the market.
But the points that most interest us, running the 2004 Directive, are 3 and 5.

Step 3:

"Despite a long tradition of use, many drugs do not meet the requirements for well-established medicinal use or with recognized efficacy and an acceptable level of security and therefore can not be the subject of a marketing authorization. (...) "

Step 5:

" (...) However, even a long tradition does not exclude any concerns about the safety product, the competent authorities should be empowered to request all information necessary for the safety assessment. The quality of the medicinal product is independent of its traditional use. Therefore should not be granted exemptions from the requirement to conduct the necessary physico-chemical, biological and microbiological tests. The products should meet the quality standards contained in the relevant European Pharmacopoeia monographs or those in the pharmacopoeia of a Member State "

Here chaos is desired.

On the one hand they say that a long tradition of medicinal plant you do not have the preclinical and the other say, however, because " even a long tradition does not exclude any concerns about the safety of the product, the competent authorities should be empowered to take all the necessary data for evaluation security "Here's the trick
implemented by bureaucrats in Strasbourg, Brussels and Luxembourg.

The supervisory authorities is completely swallowed up by the chemical and pharmaceutical corporations, should take - having the power and authority - the data required for safety assessment of a traditional plant product.
know how to assess the safety of a product for human use? He explains the same Directive 2004/24/EC:

"Applications for marketing authorization of a medicinal product should be accompanied by a dossier containing particulars and documents relating in particular to the results of physico-chemical, biological, microbiological, pharmacological and toxicological tests and clinical trials carried out on the product and proving its quality, safety and efficacy "

Therefore, if a company wants to sell an herbal product (plant or plant parts), however, describing the features of "therapeutic" and / or "healing" this will be regarded as a "synthetic drugs", even if it is Used by thousands of years.
For a small or midsize company that is virtually impossible!
To produce natural therapeutic remedies, we must provide the authorities: physico-chemical, biological, microbiological, pharmacological, toxicological and clinical studies.

The question arises: Who can afford that? And unfortunately the answer is always the same: the usual suspects ... Only the drug companies can register a herbal product economically and then hold it in a drawer, or earning billions in the face of small companies that work well and honestly.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Undigested Food Gluten


update January 28
fdax: 4704.10 + euros net (loss to be recovered -11058.90 euros).

half a point and came out a snipe incredible, too bad.
actually has a seat that has given us many satisfactions graphically as will be evident in the update tomorrow. the only flaw is to be involved in other things.

a little but we managed to finish seventh this also in black.
black as the oil that is sailing at about +4%

fdax: - 4321.00 euros (loss to be recovered -15673.00 euros).

only one percentage point separates the dax news from our first year (7230). the view of Saturday is proving correct.

Tuesday we moved too much and as often happens on these occasions we collected only the crumbs but had our reasons: a dangerous "asymmetry" between a positive pressure and volume in a market that did not care sprawled and without reason.

no reason for the note and result is the maximum today.
faithful (but subject to) the volumetric had tried a long over by 6040 or on line (+ spread) indicated by the purple arrow.
have demanded too much (at least to 6053.5 in a day marked by 3).

yesterday left us with a grudge to 6.5 points and today we were little shoes.

the 7175/7160 proved to be a good pattern to which they betrayed.
the maximum spread was 14 points, but as there are candles with top closure and / or lower than the first and second?
a school event.
for the rest there is little to write, just look.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Japanese Exploitation Films

derby ends in a tie

Sennori Saturday, January 22, 2011. Is staged at the city's derby with Atletico Sennori return back from a home win that will almost certainly be overturned by a referee, while the Saint Lucia comes from two consecutive victories.
Mr. Brau has almost all the men available and host the following training: A. Mannu on goal, defense Loriga N. Nurre and G. central and lateral Bisio Nolis R.; midfield Masaleddu, Penna Bianca and Pastry central ladder Casada G. and R. Sanna, attacking Robertignho; available: Leppereddu, Tedd C., Sanna D., Mannu, G., P. Manghina, Zlatan, Patignho.
Chronicle. First mean time of excitement, do not remember details of chances to do a side or the other, to signal the polar temperature and the slow but steady rain that has accompanied the whole race, the first fraction with fragmented game, to the protests' arbitrator and admonitions from both sides. The only occasions when we were approaching the opponent's goal at set pieces. To signal the presence of Robertignho nell'undici holder, the idol of the fans of Saint Lucia, who played until the 10th minute, then replaced by Leppereddu.
second tranche of the most exciting game that begins in the 13th minute Sanna R. flies off guard on the left wing and crossed to the bottom arrived at mid-height where the center reached the onrushing unmarked Leppereddu that the fly was trying to beat his best friend A. Bianchi, but the impact with the ball was not the best and the ball went out a couple of meters to the side, so the faded occasionissima for Santa Lucia. Rapid reversal of the front and took the lead with Atletico Manghina that while svirgolando, face to face with A. Mannu, mocked it with a strange parable for the benefit of athletics.
game that caught fire with the male game and beyond, Saint Lucia, which was pressing on the accelerator looking for the same with a pair of kicks from the edge that created some problems for opponents, but the gusts in orange Atletico tried to take advantage counterattack, and almost could double if one of these white feather well stationed on the line had not saved to secure a pop shot of Captain T. Sechi
At the 25th minute free-kick from the edge in favor of Saint Lucia and R. Sanna which draws a parable that elusive perfect and powerful bag intersection, but the referee seems to cancel because the punishment was second, pressing orange with more vehemence and an error of A. Bianchi and subsequent scrum in area hit the crossbar with Nurra G. thers and two shots are clinched on the goal line. Meanwhile
Manghina P. Notes Casada G. Mannu and G. for N. Lorimer, the last ten minutes come on several skirmishes in the field worthy of the worst Brazilian favela, at the 30th Sanna R. reaches equilibrium with a sub-header on the development of a set piece and is 1-1. At 35 °
Porru committed to punishment by the distance A. Mannu forced to smanacciare, a minute later he was expelled as a few minutes before he was expelled for Masaleddu orange.
Last minutes of the Saint Lucia searches for the winning goal and forced opponents to take hit, well served by Manghina Penna Bianca P. has an opportunity greedy but uncoordinated kicks off badly, while Pastry-kick from distance undertakes A. Bianchi which deflects for a corner.
Ends up a derby to look bad for the spectacle offered by the two teams for both the meteorological climate that accompanied the entire course the match, playing undertone to all the players of Saint Lucia, but you know the derby matches are different from others even at the amateur level and both teams are forced to split the post. A late
clashes between supporters in a downtown bar ... there are no bruised, only empty bottles of beer ..

Saturday, January 22, 2011

What Does My Stomach Stick Out

O'zapft is - MONEY NEVER

weekend time reporting.
derived weekly.
fdax: + 24,399.19 euros net (loss to be recovered - 11,352.00 euros).
total YTD 48,836.33 + euros net or
+ 14.36% than capital starting in 2010 (340,000 euros).
graphic account

position responsible for: 8 * 7015> 7000 [potential loss to the actual values \u200b\u200b-12,838 euros]

update graph
graphically remain quite baffled by certain movements of the DAX (added reason that a certain shortage of time that are useful in times has taken away the possibility of even greater satisfaction weekly).

end of 2010 we were given some rough news for 2011 and we loved that we were expecting a correction with the same Themistius of 2010 or in January / February. remain the same idea (if only for what you write three paragraphs), but at this point are considered more dangerous for those who work in the short to very short, a short position (which makes us what happened yesterday yet more annoying).

on all indices (larger ones) have appeared or are appearing for some time (dax vds) signals hyper (the German money flow is terribly high in spite of the congestion in effect) but we are convinced that will not give up before they have reached some news of reflection (smoke and mirrors) and for the DAX is the one already indicated in 7230/50, for 'to bear 12/12200 and for the SP500 1315.

also its that we are close to a major correction. a drop that kind of return the dax on top of congestion in October ruined us on those values \u200b\u200b(6350/6400) we will certainly the opportunity to build up in long over.

the next will be the last quintet of the month and if we close above 6914 would be the fifth consecutive month with little black top growing. we have defined the pattern as a last four months, a typical bottom up. this is especially true for the current situation, even though it is true that the DAX has been shown to rise to 6 months in a row but in that case, the macro environment was quite different from the current one (to tell the truth still has to be reported a quarterly beginning of that removed the accounting year, is still giving a lot of satisfaction [GE closed yesterday at its highest for 26 months for the happiness of w.buffet]).

in summary, we have a more positive view of news in order to achieve the above, however, convinced coatings that by February there will be a correction with more or less important values \u200b\u200bcertainly less than the minimum in January (6700/750).

MON has a stop on the road - 5.68% per week to which is added a cross-indexed by 1, 78%. not weeks, but there may be after the last period.

the next fives, as I mentioned earlier, will have its defining moment in the FOMC. not because of the low rates that are not yet a certainty but a novelty for a while, as for the report outline that tells us or rather we will confirm how the Fed intends to continue his way. There will two other data weight: goods and GDP. do not forget that the SMEs will be engaged Europeans in the morning on Monday.

on bbc the other day there was talk of feng shui index ( about anyone with a little short systematically China and see the performance of not surprise me that it was initiated medium-term downward movement). on 3 February 4 pv the Chinese calendar will be governed by the rabbit (which is a good omen silvio friend and all his emotional problems and do not smile ...) to which the feng shui (wind or water) to this' years associated with water and metal. I leave you to read because tra il serio e il faceto c'è sempre da imparare (come a breve dirò). in particolare per quel che ci interessa
... the market will go up but every now and then it will slow down take a breath, take a look at the surroundings, evaluating what is going on and continue to go up. It will be a zigzag market...
e soprattutto softness will remain in place until April and May when the market will experience a slight rebound. The real rally will be seen after the summer as the second half of the year will see a sustained market rally despite the rabbit hopping into a ditch in September...
sarà un coniglio "metallico" come nel 1951: + 14,8% to bear.
1951: China and the USA are at war (under cover of a family feud in Korea). The Dow Every track Seems To advance and retreat. Ends up, at least. Unlike the war.
I close by noting that according to the Chinese horoscope my wife and I share the sign of the snake in the fire, which pair (see the arcane system has kept us busy for a while Thursday night, while our riccardo [a metal tiger ] colassava spitting after saying its the ass (I think it's sort of a good night because he does often), I smile.

the transition from a WeTrade Webank ended up PLUS24 de IlSole24Ore today (to be read because There are some items that deserve to be preserved for future reference: to think that our Richard has already contracted a private debt of over 8k [evidently diapers cost] to which we add 31K to the public, does a little thinking. about debt on the world of this week I read that in 8 years the debt of Paris alone has tripled to 2.8 billion euros coming albeit against investments that have nothing to do with our local roma (12.6 billion!) where the debt is growing but serious investments, docet gp car, I understand you have never seen the shadow for years. )

contains the previously mentioned THE WORLD also an interview with the owner of the Brembo (brakes so dear to soc, smile) and a comparison of margins between bargaining systems in Europe, what with that lately I find myself increasingly having to deal with in my business with a further commitment to study also school (something I normally do at home along with Smurf. you never know one day decides to continue the tradition).

or less two weeks before a healthy break. I think my wife has already prepared the bags (or at least has started to sprinkle in cause I'm beautiful sight in the garage), I smile. Despite the last few days have not been this lily (at least compared to other parts of Italy) your family has a strong need of the sun.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Why Is Hydroquinone Dark In Color


update January 21
fdax: - 848.50 euros

area we took all (1 point spread on the upside) . who tried to betray the long according to our instructions you will find it impossible to insert the sl for obvious reasons (unfortunately or fortunately in this case) but would not change much because to 21.30 these values \u200b\u200bwere .

other hand we had a problem or rather two problems. with the reverse in the afternoon we went without reception, t. (and doing nothing in particular) by a quantitative parameter and default to a default of 16 to 8.
months that I think are not betray this quantity with who knows what the mind is blown in the past and what is missed in mind especially the ptf!

result: lost 5.5 points on a long and short closed only fdax in half and a 7-point above that altitude.

update January 19
fdax: + 6126.93 euros net + 1 (as we said yesterday we're back with the second transaction tax assets. Of course, that operation will not count for obvious reasons of fairness, for the same reasons today's gain must be added the CG already raised yesterday and amounted to 400.76 euros. then the total gain is now equal to net 4341.76 euros).

we closed the gap (gap 2 in 5 sessions were a bit too much). the candle is not frightening. beyond the precision Millemetri (plotted on the morning of the short fibo indicated by the arrow + spread fdax 10 points. plotted on the afternoon the long line of resistance but as the morning I took the spread otherwise 7075 +10 = 7085. Minimum fdax 7085.5) lack the volumes and volumes are our thermometer is when you go up when you fall.

to connoisseurs little words with the inner hope of making a mistake.

also add our index because the next 2 sessions will be topical. levels in green topical

fdax: + 5854.00 euros net (minus ... be compensated)

we went to pay a bit of gain in almost two months. but for us it does not count for reasons unknown. We like to point graphically because the range was just delicious.
we're a little short of time to fully exploit the potential of certain figures but this does not matter for our purposes.

came out of the congestion and reported in October as the DAX has Gappa for the second time in five sessions.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Chicken Perlow Crockpot

More on influenza vaccination

Henceforth we are in winter and as usual we are seeing the hackneyed diatribe about the usefulness of vacinzione against seasonal influenza (which shall contain, in addition to 'H3N2 A / B and Perth / Brisbane, the famous H1N1).

theme this year will resume offering different tones and see the failure of the vaccination campaign last year against pandemic influenza, rejected by patients and doctors. and the doubts and controversy over the safety and efficacy of vaccination.

proprosito A national immunization campaign these days is the news that Finland has blocked the administration of H1N1 vaccine for fear of a relationship between the vaccine and the increasing incidence of narcolepsy (300% over the past six months among children and young people).

In Sweden the National Agency for Medicines, after receiving numerous reports of suspected cases of narcolepsy-related vaccinations, has informed the European Medicine Agency (EMA). A Supervisory Committee will investigate the possible causal relationship, after similar reports from other European countries such as Norway, France and Germany.

Of course the media led by the power of multinational drug companies communicate information on the number on the sick (how many people in bed with the flu?) And some doomsday predictions about the victims. Inevitably follow any official communication from the health authorities or the various associations of doctors and specialists to encourage everyone to get vaccinated.

Commercial advertising, direct or hidden will diminish only when the stock of vaccines will begin to decline. But as long as the vaccines are still in storage, the propaganda will be aggressive marketing and the increasingly widespread.

Ricodro that the influence is impossible to distinguish from other viral forms the basis of clinical symptoms alone. We use the term of flu-like illness to define the flu-like illnesses, whose real influence, towards which there is a vaccine, representing approximately 10% of the total, according to some studies even only 6%. This confusion is a cause of distortion in social impact assessment, morbidity and lethality of the flu, which can be diagnosed with certainty only through laboratory tests. E 'on this misconception that it generates a lot of propaganda: it neglects to mention that the vaccine may only confer immunity against the virus that is targeted.

Scientific evidence shows that: the vaccine in children under 2 years are as effective as the placebo, that is nothing.

There is no evidence that vaccines reduce mortality or between children and between adults.

The absence from work of employed adults was reduced by about two hours only.

There is no correlation between the incidence of influenza and reduce mortality and immunization coverage in the institutionalized elderly.

In fact, the evidence of effectiveness that you have are weak and expectations of the benefits are not realistic. The history of medicine is full of treatments entered in the practice and doctrine but no certainty of safety and efficacy. The flu vaccine is a prime example of imperfect communication between scientific research and medical practice. The vaccination campaign is not based on scientific evidence, but on the intertwining of the industry that produces vaccines, and institutions that take decisions and behaviors often in the shadow of conflict of interest.

T. Jefferson Influenza vaccination: policy versus evidence. BMJ 2006; 333: 912-915.
Jefferson T, Smith S, Demicheli V et al. Assessment of the efficacy and effectiveness of influenza vaccine in healthy children; Systematic review. Lancet 2005, 365: 773-780.
Szilagji PG, Fairbrother G, Griffin MR, et al.Influenza vaccine effectiveness Among children 6 to 59 months of age During 2 influenza seasons. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2008, 162:943-51.
T. Jefferson Influence. Clinical Evidence. Available at T. Jefferson Influence. Clinical Evidence. Available at
Grandori L. Vaccinating healthy children against influenza: what ACP obiettivi.Quaderni 2007, 14 (3): 122 -230, 340: c2947 QQACP7, 14 (3): 122-123
M. Grazia Bruzzone, restart the controversy over vaccines S. Brownlee Lenzes J. International 2009 Nov; 36-44

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Profesional Hd Filter

Magic Pen White and mail to the entire Saint Lucia The Saint Lucia

Saturday, January 15, 2011
Sa Segada . Our heroes looking for the second consecutive victory against Team New Alghero, in the latter returned from several consecutive positive results, to remember that the first leg they lost 2-1 to Alghero Sennori so undeserved, so today's race in the local thirsty for revenge. Before the heating
Penna Bianca calls our camera crew inside the locker room, where we note the intention to fill Pastry their legs and the pan of oil, all ready for a pancake and then to the delight of Presidentissimo Cellino ... .
Mr. Brau is forced to redesign the midfield view today's absence of some elements, with profound regret the exclusion of yet another Brazilian Patignho; in the field is the following line: between the posts Mannu A.; defense with his brothers Stephen and Nicola Lorimer central Nolis R. falling on the right, in the oncoming lane Nurra G.; Masaleddu midfield, and central Penna Bianca, Sanna R. and Roger L. lateral forward Leppereddu; available: Patignho, Robertino, C. Tedder, ZlatanDelRio, D. Sanna, G. Brau, Mannu G.
Chronicle. First time poor of interesting actions, to be included in an attempt to Hare on the 5th minute to shoot weakly to right side, the race is spread primarily through actions confused, surely note the crescent shape of the pillow lying nonostanze Masaleddu that permanently on her tummy unable to shoulder the entire weight of midfield orange. At 15 °
indecision A. Mannu carom ball with the feet of a back door unguarded to Alghero that although disturbed kicks to the side.
few emotions, we try again Hare headed in a cross from just Sanna R. but only touches the ball through the defense from the extreme local area, always on service Leppereddu Central Penna Bianca can not divert the network. The premises we try with a shot from distance that goes through the pines placed behind the door, another attempt more dangerous in the 25th minute developments on the corner of the New Team's test with an outside shot that passes between a forest of legs but is Mannu A. ready to smanacciare not without difficulty.
At the 35th minute unexpected benefit comes with a nice orange action started in midfield, continued on the left where R. Sanna, after missing an opponent, is focused and served the onrushing Penna Bianca, who just entered the area imparabilmente kick into the top corner with a perfect right. Soon ended the first portion.
entrance of the teams in the field Robertino exclaimed: "How can sign Roger!" ... A little later the same Roger suffered a bad blow to the nose which was bleeding ...
Second Half sleepy that began as the first, but as the home team took courage, and would often opponent in area, in one of these attempts Mannu A. bought out the first time is not perfect, and flew on a cross from the right angle to deflect in a header from close range without fail. On a nice note
launch of Pastry that unmark Sanna R. in speed and the first from a tight angle from a trajectory that left white feather free at the center could not confirm the network. A half village
Hare gave way to Zlatan, G. Brau noted the hero of the day and Mannu G. Penna Bianca bruised for Roger.
the 30th minute Pastry tries with a free kick from distance well addressed at the intersection, but the goalkeeper was able to deflect with his nails, a few moments before had been Masaleddu to try it out in fine style but not the local port was surprising in the meantime Zlatan tries to fight with anyone who happens to its area and is also cautioned.
last ten minutes with the defense forcing algherese of Saint Lucia which wobbles but does not yield many times, thanks to good outputs A. Mannu, ends 0-1 for Saint Lucia, the second victory and all in a row by Tore Piga to eat bread and bologna.

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weekend time reporting.
derived weekly.
fdax: + 11,111.64 euros net (minus 2010 to retrieve - 9060.06 euros).
total YTD + 24,436.14 euros net or
+ 7.19% compared to the starting capital in 2010 (340,000 euros ).
graphic account

position load: 16 * 7015> 7000 [potential loss to the actual values \u200b\u200b-36,896 euros]

update graph
there much to say. the candle on Wednesday caught us totally unprepared and almost certainly will pay the lien right.
we can only hope that he as well, although I must note that from '57 to now, the week beginning decade has always had a positive closure.

January 14, 2000: Bear up to 11,750
January 14, 2011: Bear and recapture exceeds 11,750.
11 years and a 30% real depreciation (€ / $) after the point we are still departure.
who knows if it will repeat the same story after October 4, 2006.

MON and meanwhile continues his march with more than a week + 3.5% (more or less like appreciate a Eurosystem).

next quintet opens with the Americans in celebration and almost certainly this will facilitate further step forward for Europe. Tuesday and Thursday to reach the ZEW phil American. to do the usual boundary data from the real estate market.

particular week will be the banks: C (+ Tuesday AAPL), GS, WFC and USB (Wednesday), MS (Thursday + GOOG) and GE (Friday).

banks have done everything and more this week: the minimum + 20% + 17% for ISP and for UCG, the face of speculation mentioned by the Minister of Economic ...

finally a sunny day in Treviso. 3 more weeks and then the sun, that heats (not like today), should keep "Committed" for ten days before beginning a period of weight with my beautiful wife will be back operational in late February pv

mamy I would have preferred a full-time for our richard (at least for a while), but I also understand the reasons for my wife and then the Smurf will not be very far from his mamy anyway.
will certainly be more convenient for me.
speren well.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Stream Vidos Milena Velba


updated on 15 January.
fdax: 4909.00 + euros net (minus ... be compensated)

mediation us on Thursday was optimal to yesterday are missing 2 points and completed the first loss of ' year.
patience, not all cakes come with the hole.

fdax: + 6203.64 euros net (... minus recovered).

the other week a spike of 14 points we took away the pleasure of scoring the first snipe of the year. but today we are a creditor of Spike violent

the second trade was obviously based on the congestion reported Saturday: 2.5 points below the spread.
much more precise a teddy bear.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Cipralex Kidney Stones

taketh Codrongianos 3-2

Codrongianos Saturday, January 8, 2011. The orange stripe is presented to the Municipal Codrongianos hungry for points after suffering three defeats in a row, the premises come from a good draw against vicecapolista AleCastiglia. In today's race Mr. Brau has available alternative qulache more than the last few weeks, it is also Sanna R. recovering from a crash diet in Argentina.
Education: A. Mannu on goal, defense Nurra G. Lorimer and N. central Brau G. and P. Manghina side, the midfield trio Masaleddu, Lizzeri C., Penna, white on the wings Casada G. and R. Sanna, forward Leppereddu; available: Pintadu G., Mannu, G., Patignho, D. Sanna, Zlatan, Pastry, Roger; executive escort Bisio.
Chronicle. Part of the game and not so strong Leppereddu which is only just in front of the goalkeeper and calibrates a lob that leaves little to the side while Cellino cursed him and threatened to an immediate replacement, shortly after Saint Lucia ahead, cross from the right Casada G. Penna Bianca Spizzica for that area but was brought down inside, but in the meantime the ball comes to Sanna R. who just entered the area ahead of the keeper and head the ball carom ambled on goal, 0-1 Saint Lucia.
They spend a few minutes, about 25 minutes and the home team took advantage of a defensive blunder of orange and brings the results in a tie 1-1 thanks to his attacker caparbiante uproots a ball from the feet of one of our defender.
At 29 minutes into the local overturn the result and speed action in their unmarked in front of number 10 A. Mannu calibrate a perfect lob to the momentary 2-1, at which point the Saint Lucia shows some signs of nervousness, but in the 35th minute on the development of a free-kick from the right Casada G. make a precise cross for the onrushing Spizzica Penna Bianca Leppereddu scissor kick that signs the best goal of the last 150 years, you will find out later that Cellino if goals had promised him 3 and 2 kg of nougat candies; Lepr8 2-2 \u200b\u200band then coming back to scoring after an eternity before be put out pink.
There is time for a donut Lizzeri C. that after reaching a thousand meters in height to almost trick the goalkeeper local final minutes with Saint Lucia defended the limits of the guest in search of the goals of the benefit.
Second fraction that starts with the goal of the benefit of the host Penna Bianca, on the 5th minute of gore makes a wonderful spot to head Casada G. assist-man in today's version, 2-3, and again the result overturned.
At 10 minutes into the vice Mannu G. by inserting the first replacement Pintadu G. Pastry Lizzeri and instead of C. Casada and G., Codrongianos tries to embarrass the Saint Lucia, but the counterattack in the 15th minute Sanna R. slipped on the left is an assist in Penna Bianca Golden Plate hits the street, a few moments later Penna Bianca tries to return the courtesy R. Sanna, but the latter do not circumscribe the door.
Half of Zlatan recovery inputs for better Leppereddu (with a knob that had unfortunately spread to the second opponent in a row, hoping that this has not shown much effect) and to Roger R. Sanna, but the last ten minutes are of complete local brand, in fact the Saint Lucia is crushed in their own half and can not react, even the entry of Mannu G. instead of G. Brau, manages to work things out on defense. The local collezzione corner kicks and penalties by the limit with which you make the most dangerous times, the development of one of these actions Mannu A. is a decisive smanacciando angled shot of a local midfielder. Last
minutes as stated by the local forcing, interspersed with an occasion happened on the feet of Pintadu G. that at the time of the shooting was preceded by the defender, so end up unsuccessful attacks by local and Saint Lucia that trap three points after a month of defeats, one might say that was the decisive thrust psychological provided by Presidentissimo Cellino that have agreed to follow the team to give the right boost seasoned with numerous protests and there seems to be successful (or so he told me to write ..).
Regards to all ..

Saturday, January 8, 2011

My Dogs Testicle Looks Purple


weekend time reporting.
derived weekly.
fdax: + 13,324.5 euros net (minus recovered from 2010 to 19,171.7 euros).
total YTD + 13,324.5 euros net or
+ 3.92% compared to the starting capital in 2010 (340,000 euros).
graphic account
note: compared to the years 2008-2010, we changed to make it more realistic parameters for the calculation of individual items in the report, which should make even the most truthful way to the tg secondary intermediate. any inconsistencies so they are not mistakes or errors but the results of the abovementioned changes and should not be any way to invalidate the previous reports, much less change our primary newscasts.

update graph
charts could not be more beautiful than that. the DAX had already achieved our year-end tp (7027: heavy even at this early quintet). q HIS week was the turn of the Bear and his partner, accurate and timely than ever.

quintet really begins with the next stock market in 2011 although we reiterate that the volumes seen so far are very respectable for the period. data from K are all focused sessions on Thursday and Friday pv is the dominant theme of the week will be the industrial data. will begin with the French, on Monday, followed by Italy, Wednesday, and America, on Friday. Friday it also will tell us how are retail sales.

as the prince of this week was obviously to employment rose from a 9.7 to a 9.4 but with a really important distinction and not exactly optimal. distinction, however, valid also for Italy .

MON continues its path with a +1.40 & yesterday.

on PLUS24 de IlSole24Ore of today faces an interesting topic

Another issue addressed by Plus24 and WORLD of yesterday are the banks. The first title "Swap: 28 billion loss to banks - in the three months since [the potential shortage] goes 57,000,000,000-72.5000000000 'in 28 for only precisely swap agreements with other local institutions. ;

while the second "measure" the 2010 profitability of our banks (banks routes under the cover) with an average of 4% [Risk Capital: 100 euros have produced a gain of 4 euros] of 6.6% against the British, 7.1% of German, 9.8% of French and 15% of Switzerland. for 2011 is expected to return to 6%. but the most interesting part is the explanation of why this crash and the stultifying author's opinion that it is not something structural passenger but as a result of the "end of an era" [3.20 euros with Corrieredella Sera seems a good investment for those who daily weekly challenge fate]