Sunday, February 13, 2011

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One of my favorite movies is Love Actually ... and on the occasion of Valentine's Day I wanted to take back the sentence that Billy sings "Love is all around ".. because if you stop to observe, love really is everywhere. Not only among engaged couples and their sweet kisses .. but in a glance, a smile, a hug, a sunset, a handshake, in the sky, the air ... love animates our life much more than anything else. Do not ever tiring of love My dear friends! Never! Do you love every day, in your own way, rightly or wrongly, it does not matter.
LOVE! Happy Valentine's Day

One of my favorite movies is Love Actually .. and I just wanted to remember something ... That Billy sings "Love is all around" .. Because if you stop for a moment and look around .. Actually love is all around you. Not just in Between Lovers and Their sweet kisses ... But Also in a gaze, in a smile, a hug at sunset .. .. in a handshake or an in, in the sky and in the air ... Love inspires Our Life More Than Anything Else. Never be weary to loving, my dear readers and friends! NEVER! Love more and more every day, in your own way, right or wrong, it doesn't matter, but LOVE!
  Happy Valentine's day

I love you my sweet Ale

thanks for reading! :)..... Valentina A.


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