Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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Moon and fertility rituals associated

Taking advantage of the symbolic date of the Winter Solstice today a reminder of the ancient world that we should never forget.

When the sun sets, the moon draws attention with his candor and his spots.
The Moon reflects to us the sunlight, but reflects a different extent depending on whether the affected region is mountainous or flat. One might think that the flat areas reflect more intensely, as if they were mirrors, but it is not: the flat areas look similar to spots are the "seas" of Galileo, and consist of dark lava rocks, which absorb most of sunlight, reflecting only a small portion (7%). Mountainous regions, however, have a different petrographic composition, clearer, two or three times more reflective.
In Western culture that brings us back in time to explore the Moon is almost certainly the name that we give to our satellite. The word moon comes from the ancient Indo-European root "leuk", meaning "shining" and is passed in the greek "leukosis" shining, clear, white (think of the white blood cells, white blood cells), and then in the Latin "lux" "Light", "lumens." Luna is so for the "bright".
We, however, the word comes through the mediation of the mythology. At Ephesus
satellite, deified as the goddess of fertility with a hundred breasts, was worshiped as Diana or Lucina. Lucina is derived from syncope of our Moon. A similar origin of the greek name of the Moon: Selene. Comes from "selas", meaning splendor, flame.
One of the most obvious concerns that the Moon are the lunar phases, which are due to the different positions that the Moon takes over from the Sun and the Earth, moon phases succeed each month off-road that the Moon orbits the Earth, we see that different percentage of its illuminated side. Since the body was apparently always the same, some people explained the various changes (the full moon, crescent moon, dark moon) with different faces of the same deity. For example in ancient Greece where Hecate was represented with three heads, a lion, a horse and then a dog.
The Mother Goddess was the goddess of motherhood and love of eastern origin (Mesopotamia), it was worshiped throughout the Mediterranean basin, perhaps identified with the Moon, considered a symbol of fertility and regeneration of life, this goddess was the logic of spiritual expression of a people anchored to a Type matriarchal social structure, whose survival was linked to the cycles of the agricultural year.
The Moon was at the heart of every mythology since the dawn of time and its importance is mainly linked to the periodic changes of its appearance.
The action of the moon over the animal world is strongest in the case of some species of marine animals whose sexual maturity is related to tides and moonlight. In
Ceratocephale osawai, a Nereid common in the seas of Japan, fertilization usually takes place during the full moon and new moon. The eggs of an annelid, the Amphitrite ornate, mature during the full moon of June, July and August. The convoluted roscoffensis be fruitful during the spring tides of spring.

Associate to the Mother Goddess, was, at times, also represented his counterpart, the male God identified with the bull, depicted simply by a menhir whose top is slightly sharp and marked by a groove, to symbolize the phallus. Around these rocks is believed the women came together to perform rituals that were intended to propitiate fertility.
Stones thickened, bearing signs for men or women are often coupled to accompany funeral or religious monuments, the divine couple, in fact, was to characterize the sacredness of the place, standing as a symbol of care and protection.
The idea was simple, in the popular imagination the stone was considered the priapos primordial element in the phallic male, driven into the ground, making it fertile. In a microcosmic vision of the primitive images that, as the god male fertilizes the earth through the rock, the same could happen to women in the country, streaking over these sacred stones, they made sure the fertility and procreation. Examples of this type we find them to Plodio, near Borzoli and Savona, near Genoa, where even today we talk about ancient practices linked to "Pria Scugiente" rock of serpentine, also known as the "stone lubraca", where women used to crawl in order to guarantee a smooth delivery.

Among the sites linked to fertility rituals include the lytic circle of the "Grotta delle Fate (Finale Ligure) where, via a staircase carved into the rock, you reach your place on this sacred enclosure vertical antrum. The lytic circle, now unfortunately lost, so could be used for fertility rituals, a huge circle, drawn by stones stuck in the ground, and a corridor reminiscent of the way to reach the round of fertility goddess of the uterus, probably made by a fertile central phallic element, probably a menhir.
Thus we find traces in the local folklore of the Italian tradition of "pocca milkmaids" or "Milk Grotto", the milky liquid that, due to the high content of calcium carbonate, is very similar to the female breast serum. Therefore, if the water is the sacred liquid macrocosmically Mater ensuring fertility, it becomes extremely important in small basins collect rituals that could be called "Shells". In many areas Ligurian Neolithic stones have been found so cuppelliformi etchings with strange-shaped or "U", a schematic representation of the bull totem animal of the goddess, as the promontory of Caprione Beigua Mount or Mount Matto. On the latter there were also many discoveries of diamond-shaped rocks, geometry not random but put your body in relation to female genital with its engraved on small cups, which emphasize the idea that the stone is esposta.Se the female figure, the incision is central symbol of prosperity, the more it is rich in water that accumulates and it is more sacred and the plate at the center of the rock indicates that the "pregnancy" of mater. The myth has its origins, transformation and adaptation to current times and the religious rules, but it contains and is always a sign of the original pagan nature. Remember
rites for fertility or mating call espilicito genital organs are everywhere. Rites, then, Christianity has not abolished, but amended and punished, and the attribution of miraculous ability in those candles symbolic and impressive, to which the ancients had given exceptional ability of fertilization and fertility of Mother Earth. It seems superfluous to point out that these festivals votive matured within those social groups in agriculture, most of which have "built and maintained the archaic traditions, in which the "foul" was not only seen as an organ of reproduction, but also as a symbol of fertility and fertility of the Great Mother Earth and was the best "ex voto" and to promise to donate to the gods for "favors received." So it was that the display of human that organ, which apparently seemed obscene only to Christianity, became a lily, in candles, candlepower, etc., looking through diversity, to escape the persecution of Christianity.


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