Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Howa To Become Naturally Blonde


fdax: + 3212.00 euros net (loss to be recovered 39,744.2 euros).

it went well but we made a mistake by novices: Force risk of doing much damage. the right values \u200b\u200bwere those of yesterday (7045) does not matter that they have taken.
we have to be happy. if they decided to make the assholes and force would be 'Azzi acids.

the insert statement for the bbc reported yesterday that

This is the most liquid DAX ETF and its year to date (as those who follow us know we are claustrophobic) but you can bring more examples.

[ Saturday, Dec. 18 cm ]
the other week for obvious reasons I could not make the record, I do now for the last two.

weekend time reporting.
derived weekly.
fdax: + 3212.00 euros net
(loss to be recovered ..)
total YTD + 403,645.96 euros net
or + 118.72% than capital Starting 2010 (340.000 euros).
graphic account

update graph

7000 met and sunk. from October 15 to present us a 53% + little against our net + 22% abundant.
two months to make 500 points made against the 1000 year to date.
shame really.

and now? growth potential there are very short . the monthly time are marked by two levels of maximum (red lines) which should cover the entire 2011.
a week ago I got in a little shrine to guarantee a healthy habit, and while I waited to be served I took a look around and I found the "capital" which I immediately took intrigued by the cover title. Flucht in den dax ... .. " and then in [I must say really well done for 7 euros per month] a series of articles in a scathing optimism for almost a stranger (the ifo has never been higher. is well oltre i Massimi del 2007).
uno per tutti (anche spero si legga Perchè ogni tanto lo scanner migliore va le bizz)
e poi una serie Tues analisi tecnico / contabili sui diversi titoli del paniere by sottolineare l'attuale inglese che economicità del paniere tradotto significa
... still enough room for improvement, the assessments can at least not yet enough room to grow: Based on the anticipated consolidated profits for 2011 will be the price-P ROFIT ratio (PER) of the DAX at 10.9. This is the important figure well below the 30-year average von 15.1. Um diesen Wert zuerreichen, könnte der Index auf ein neues rein Mathematisch locker Rekordhoch von 9700 Punkten steigen ...
9700, a + 40% from current values \u200b\u200band a maximum of +20% by 2007.
in December 2011, though there will still be, we will revisit this post.
for now let the two arguments take their course. admit our mistakes has never been a problem and never as in this case I hope to be wrong.

as mentioned above there are some critical design. the main one is represented by monthly pattern. subject to reversals (there may also be seen that the volumes will gradually degrade until the first quintet of 2011) the dax marks the fourth consecutive positive monthly *. is an extreme pattern usually occurs close to a peak [ from this point of view I see many similarities with 1999, when congestion (green ellipse), followed by a boom up year-end, fix up and with maximum years in the first half (vertical black)].
other critical states are called overbought on almost all the main frame (you save monthly but remember that a monthly overbought is symptomatic of top ...).

This is our vision.
then we expect a correction at least until 6550/6600 and the timing could be to year with a January / February pv discharge for a resumption of quarterly peak in sight.

for a teddy bear, we said, exceeded the range between 11450 and 11750 are just under 1000 to do without breathing.
for his companion for some time on the weekly chart we have drawn a square projection tg up to 1310/320 (max August 2008) following successful completion of the 1270/80.

index comments do ours alone. and levels of May 2009. who made the tape to be hoped that he did a very good stock picking and / or if only he had had a good dividend return. otherwise likely to be even looser than a corporate bond investor in a bull market for the larger markets that are preparing to close 2010 with a more even, more or less important.
is emblematic of the spread with the DAX (black). and eblematico because not only expressed but against our local index of all the major European indices and how could it be otherwise with a German GDP to grow more than double when all the other good.
reference March 1995
first reference sensing mib: January 1998
reference March 2003
reference in March 2009

the coming week does not have macro ideas of particular importance except for the Thursday session where in addition to the usual subsidies will be accompanied by the publication of instrumental and personal income.

yesterday came the snow, and then this afternoon I devoted myself to shovel the avenue of entry (not all because otherwise I would not be here to write) and from the sidewalks of the house, all under the watchful eye of our Richard and his mamy that greeted me from the windows, I smile. At one point I saw them talk thick thick and then I went over with a snow shovel full of snow of course. when my wife opened the window the smurf did not know what to do, touch or not touch it (too expressive eyes that I forded). then saw his mamy and then it was decided. soon learn that burns with fire there, now has discovered that snow is cold and given the reaction I would say that experience will, I smile 2 times.


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