Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Virtual Wedding Gown Try On


long ago a member of advfn had proposed a series of bets identical to those proposed by Francesco Caruso in his blog.

I state that francesco (use only the name for simplicity and a sort of university colleges) have the highest regard since the time of his participation in futures TeleTicino sometimes teamed with his friend Robert Malnati. the program after the departure of Alfonso Tuor had fallen silent francesco [for reasons we can only share if you have the consistency to be independent in fact and in words] and discovering that he has dedicated himself to writing me immense pleasure. I invite you to read this paper for which he was awarded internationally as a trader of the year.

said that I was not surprised Pocola findings of its year end.
From the post Aug. 3: "The " Random Walk Theory "argues that market developments are unpredictable. I argue no. Who issued the world's largest prize "John Brooks" to my models think like me. My small bet and my personal act of faith in my methods are contained in these 10 claims. will consider 'the bet will be successful only if they prove correct, by 31.12.2010, at least 7 of these 10 claims. It will be a draw between 6 and 4, lost 4 and under. .... "
Eight statements were accurate. A wrong. A (the Italian index) is balanced and will be checked only on December 31. I think I have provided, with the help of my models, a small contribution to quantitative analysis, against those who say that markets are random and unpredictable. Happy 2011 to everyone!
see if it is. methodological note in function of visual evidence: blue for the bet guessed it, red for errors, and purple for uncertain situations.
  • The bags do not fall below the minimum in 2010 June-July
such bags? the bag of the second economy in the world is one of these? you probably saw that alone weighs more than 1 / 3 of all Asian markets.
if so then there is already a first false step.
dear to us another index, the Dax, has scored a minimum by a tight 0.6% for the period, with a - 7.5% by early August.

the rest had been beaten so between May and July that irrespective of a quantum setting [the definition of which I leave to you to find] and in a situation of almost overt congestion build up, leaving little room for corrections major [major correction would in fact lead to the ruin of the entire property in March 2009 with tp playing really poor, as we have stressed on many occasions]. I remember that in May [May 6 of the drop appeared to be a mechanical error but no] and July most of the indexes returned to the values \u200b\u200bof August 2009 (for the less fortunate values \u200b\u200bhave touched the top of April 2009 ...) . random walk but with a bit of sense even if the statement may seem meaningless.
  • The next top-of-short-medium will be between mid-August and early September
this is not I understood. Francis says that he wanted an outlet so that means top down. I then as now interpret it as a top up which would give effect even to the 3 * bet
  • The next point of purchase of short-medium will be between late September and the beginning of October
first climb (top half of August / September) and then you go down to regain the end of September.
I must say the bets were made with the Roman method, or are specious and are open to different interpretations, but we are aided logic and especially Francis himself.
I really believe that meant a top up (that took place between 4 and August 5 us): Euronext and SP500 for all . goes without saying that the timing to buy the medium has become short end of August / early September. a gap of about 3 weeks
  • grants will close 2010 in positive territory and close to the maximum of the
  • Emerging markets will do better in 2010, both Europe and U.S.
for the first (the bags ...), referring to what I have already written a few lines at the top of the status of "congestion build-up." a technical as well as Francis did not end may not have noticed a flashing green macrospia that even in the eyes of an insignificant part-time traders like myself.

for the second, I think I have to say, without any offense, which resembles the egg of Columbus to tell the truth even if that half-percentage point that separates Americans from the emerging rivalry between the very thick. ;
  • SP MIB will close in 2010 over 22000 points
perhaps the most important for a blog in the local language. a veil is imposed for our index. for him there is no model that takes. we too, in September, we had given as tg the 22,000 or closure of the gap in April
  • A portfolio "Equally weighted" composed by Exor, Saipem, Unicredito, Fiat, Pirelli, Tenaris will do better at least 2% between now and the end of the year ' Index SP MIB
with this, I am sorry, but we are the second egg of Columbus nice to see (+27 %...) but tasteless. the beta of the securities of this basket is the key to the whole course in the context of the view storage nominated 3 times already.

short francesco behaved like that guy who sat at the table has been given the cards first choosing from the deck.
  • Euro / Usd is not coming back in 2010 on 1:40
  • Euro / CHF is not coming back 'in 1.30
both wrong. 1:40 over the episode mentioned by Francis was so short as to keep us all in suspense for a whole month. from 7 October to 8 November. after November 3 (QE2 is seen) the euros could aspire to levels even higher than 1.40. Ireland's timing was perfect (a black swan?).
for who had forgotten
  • The CRB commodity index closes above 2010 levels by the end of July
and here we are at the final count: 5 red, 4 blue and purple.
I am sorry to admit but frank, in my opinion, failed in his attempt to show "weakness" of unpredictability (smile). indeed, precisely where it is more exposed, in a quantum logic of course, with weather accompanied by clear indications of price (bet 6, 8-9), was wrong 3 times on 3 and 2 cases very important.

this is not to say absolutely that the market is a random, if I did I would deny the very foundation of my operation which is built on graphics by adding a bit of "grain of salt."
the market is predictable and it is now more than ever (at least by me). The magazine also recently Markit noted that over 50% of trade on U.S. markets and over 40% on those in Europe consists of algorithms (hft) built themselves with the logic of momentum. in such a context is clear, except to want to line your eyes with thick slices of ham, that the white nose of the market can be expressed only within smaller spaces than ever before. in short, is a market that feeds on itself so as to forget bulimic or rather pretend to forget who really chews (smile).

repeat the market is predictable but not in frank terms that attempt, certainly in good faith, to make us believe. This is my personal opinion.

to be fair I turned francesco text above.

Jesse Livermore (he too was born in 77 but a century earlier) advised a very important thing (the book is available for download and is easy to read even if you do not hear a virtuoso of language):

Do not try and advance what the market will do next-Simply go with the evidence of what the market is telling you-presenting to you [Because] markets are never wrong-opinions are Often .
the review (the weather) or the pillars of those canes (keines) called a house of cards to explain his approach to the markets.

security francesco got me back to mind another book (to find him last night was quite a feat.'s Books, especially if they exceed a certain number, are arranged in a logical way, which I did logically but just as obviously someone (!) sometimes have to ruin perfectly that order) published in 2006, which before the outbreak of the crisis. there he was trying to illustrate the concept of so no risk as it could be the result of such a predictive system with the fully normalized component Rn \u0026lt;0 (lavoremo on this in 2011. soc smile thinking of it reads). I tried the online version but nothing newer. I'd be curious to know if the author is still the same as after the experience of the past three years.

the study (or better workaholics and / or unlucky that I still do companionship) closes tomorrow night but this time tomorrow I'll be about to move to meet Richard, his mamy and the rest of the family (an extended family even to the roots this year) in Cadore (waiting to dry somewhere warm in February pv)

Wishing you a 2011 seconds then your expectations (but without the excesses of greed) I leave the last update graph this year and a council of reading that seems to fall bean. I have almost finished and some of advfn if they have already noticed (laughs). if you do not want to read it I suggest you start with Chapter 14. Appendix written in the light of the current crisis.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Sample Letter Of Encouragement

Where to go? Deus Sol Invictus

The will of the gods was interpreted by priests, who had different specialties: some were experienced in observing the flashes, others in the flight of birds, others in observing the entrails of sacrificed animals.

now the seat of life was the liver and only those who knew its exact morphology could distinguish normal and not all aspects, and then be able to appreciate the sacred messages, which the bowel extracted from animals sacrificed portave itself.

messages that were sent not to prevent the occurrence of events, but just to be able to be aware of.

Today, modern and intellectually satiated even more we need to know the fururo, fearful little essereri being seduced by the vain of the society property, frightened by an uncertain future that will rid us of the useless. And so we buy what persumiamo be the future, forget that the knowledge of what is in the mind of the gods can be obtained only with deep faith and sacrifice.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Age Of Empire 2 Multiplayer Nocd


and 'operation finished this year (for us anyway) and it is time to take stock and prior to reporting.

were overall gain 410,893.96 euros net or a + 120.85% on our capital base.
keep a loss of 32,496.2 euros to recover, if luck will still assist us, in 2011.

gain in real terms were 483,404.66 euros gross (ie a + 142.18%) that resulted in points means you have gathered on the street fdax 1205.5 points per contract.
the fdax had closed at 5959.5 points in 2009 or 1146 points below the maximum on Tuesday, U.S. (7105.5). 59.5 points in our favor that will be reduced to little more than 13 whereas the main expenses of the committee.

+ 19% performance of the DAX. I read somewhere that the real index rising of 2010 was the dax. if we look at this multiplication table to "exchange & finance" on Saturday, looks just like us if we were to stop the definition in the local currency ...

currency. exactly one year ago I was in Nova Iorc and exploit a change € / $ 1.47 / 43 which gave signs of weakness to fill the cupboard and baste a transaction (actually started in early December 2009) that would have been very fruits, because of its naive random (smile), to return to Italy while another is still waiting to be adopted by July pv (purchase option).

the currently worth 1.30 euros and is losing to all major currencies with situations of low in some cases, which means a cut of the real annual gain. who reads the blog knows that I often use the term "real" in the evaluation of the indices.
in times of abundance (euros strong) the reality of its profitability for third parties can take second place but in lean times (high monetary volatility) must be disposed of carefully so as not to lie to themselves. 120% this year worth more or less a 100% in Swiss francs or yen, and even less in Australian dollars.
must cover

said this answer the question I am always at the end of year and ask myself regularly to soc to have an opinion of some (Smile): how was this 2010?
is gone. finish up another year is always a nice thing to not take for granted. I do not hide a certain disappointment at the failure to reach the second tg (500K) but maybe it was just too much in a year so full of appointments and commitments.

a very special year 2010. we started in 2 (my wife and I) and we finish in 3 (our riccardo, its mamy and me), a + 50% to 120% added to previous reports the performance of this year in line with that 2008-2009. smile ...

Merry Christmas to all

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Symptons Of A Chest Infection?

Happy Holidays to all

resume workouts Wednesday, December 29 the usual time, before January 6 will be presented to the press the new signings ....

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sheet Cakes With Two Designs

Sol Invictus ("Unconquered Sun") or, in full, Deus Sol Invictus ("Unconquered Sun God") was a name used for three different religious deities in the late Roman Empire, Elagabalus, Mithras, and Sol
Unlike the previous agrarian cult of Sol Indiges ("Native Sun" or "Sun invoked"), the title Deus Sol Invictus was formed by analogy with the imperial title Invictus (Unconquered).

The cult of Sol Invictus was widespread throughout the Roman Empire, such as ritual celebrations of the birth of the Sun in Syria and Egypt were of great solemnity and provided that the celebrants retired in special sanctuaries will come out at midnight, announcing that Virgin Earth had given birth to the sun, depicted as an infant.

The title gained momentum for the first time with the emperor Heliogabalus, who attempted prematurely to impose the cult of Sol Invictus Elagabalus, God-Bolide sun of his native city Emesa in Syria.
Elagabalus built a temple dedicated to the new god on the Palatine. With the violent death of the emperor in 222 this worship ceased to be cultivated in Rome, although the emperors continued to be portrayed on the coins with the iconography of the solar corona radiata for almost a century.
In the second instance, the title was awarded to Invictus Mithras in private inscriptions of dedication by and devotees.
The term also appears associated with the god Mars.

In 272 Aurelian reunited the empire by defeating the main enemy: the United Queen Zenobia of Palmyra. The victory came thanks to the help of Providence city-state of Emesa (the army came at a time when the Roman militia were skidding).
The support of the priests of Emesa, devotees of the god Sol Invictus, bendispose the emperor who, at the beginning of the battle decisive, said he had the auspicious vision of the sun god of Emesa.
Later, in 274, Aurelian moved to Rome, the priests of the god Sol Invictus, and the formalization of the solar cult of Emesa, and build a temple on the slopes of the Quirinale and creating a new body of priests (pontifex solis invicti). However, beyond the grounds of personal gratitude, the adoption of the cult of Sol Invictus was seen by Aurelian as a strong element of cohesion, since, in various forms, the worship of the sun was present in all regions of the empire. Although
Sol Invictus Aurelian's not officially identified with Mitra, recalls many features of Mithraism, including the iconography of the god represented as a young without a beard.
Aurelian consecrated the temple of Sol Invictus on December 25 274, in a celebration called Dies Natalis Solis Invicta, "Day of birth of the Unconquered Sun," making the sun-god the chief deity of his empire and himself wearing a crown-ray . The celebration of the Dies Natalis Solis Invicti became gradually more and more important as it was inserted, to conclude on the ancient Roman festival, the Saturnalia.

Constantine was Pontifex Maximus of the cult of Sol Invictus.
Before his baptism on his deathbed, the Emperor Constantine the Sol Invicuts depicted on its official currency, with the inscription ONLY INVICTA Comiti, "Al-mate Sol Invictus", then defining God as a companion of the emperor.
By a decree of March 7 321 Constantine called the day of the Sun (die solis) as that assigned to the rest:

"In the venerable day of the Sun, may rest the magistrates and city dwellers, and they leave closed all stores . In the countryside, however, people are legally free to continue their work, because it often happens that we can not postpone the harvest of grain or the planting of vineyards, so, for fear that denying the right time for such work is lost the appropriate time, determined from the sky. Justinian Code 3.12.2 "

In 330 the emperor decreed for the first time the Christian celebration of the nativity of Jesus who was made to coincide with the pagan festival of the birth of Sol Invictus. The "Christmas Unconquered" became the Christmas Day. [1]
In 337 Pope Julius I officially confirm the date of Christmas by the time the Christian Church (Catholic and Coptic).

The religion of Sol Invictus continued to be a "thorn in the side" for the Christians of Thessalonica to the popular edict of Theodosius I to 27 February 380, when the emperor declared that only the state religion was Christianity Nicaea, effectively banning all others. The same Christian cults
soon became confused with the solar cults:

"Many believe that the Christian God is the Sun because it is a known fact that we Please face the rising sun on the Day of the Sun and that we give ourselves to joy. "Tertullian, Ad nationes, Apologeticum, de animae witness.

"On the day that the Sun will gather in one place all those who live in cities or the countryside, reading the memoirs of the apostles or the writings of the prophets, as the weather permits it, then when the reader has finished The president tells in words and urges the imitation of these good examples. Then we get up and pray and all, as mentioned earlier, when the prayers were finished, is brought bread, wine and water, and the president offers prayers and thanksgivings, according to his ability, and the people by his assent, saying Amen .
Then comes the distribution of and participation in what has been given with thanksgiving, and those who are absent a portion is carried by the deacons.
Those who can, and want to give what they consider could be used: the collection is filed to the president, who uses it for the orphans and widows and those who, through sickness or other causes, are in need, and for those who are in chains, and for foreigners who live among us, in short for those who need it. "Justin Martyr, second century AD

Christianity adopted some of the features of the cult of Sol Invictus, as is evident in the first examples of Christian iconography depicting Christ with attributes such as solar the corona radiata, or in some cases, the sun chariot.
Sol Invicuts was adopted by the Church of Rome as a proof of identity between Christ and Apollo-Helios in a mausoleum discovered under St. Peter's Basilica and dated to around 250 [2].

beginning of the third century, "Sun of Justice" was the title given to Christ [3].
This title actually derives from the Old Testament, Chapter III of the book of Malachi: "For you, however, fear my name the sun of righteousness will rise with healing and you will go out leaping like calves of the stall."

Constantine appointed on Sunday, previously dedicated to the sun, like the "Lord's Day [5], and day rest, instead of the Sabbath, the Sabbath jew.
yet one hundred and thirty years after the decision of Constantine, in 460, Pope Leo I sadly wrote:

"It's so much the religion of the Sun estimated that some Christians, before entering St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, after climbing the stairs, turn to the sun and bending his head gleaming bow in honor of the star. We are very distressed and we grieve for the fact that this is repeated for the pagan mentality. Christians must abstain from all appearance of allegiance to the cult of the gods. "
Pope Leo I, 7th sermon on Christmas Day 460 - XXVII-4

SOURCES 1. Treccani Italian Encyclopaedia of Science, Arts and Letters, voice
2. "Constantine the Great," New Catholic Encyclopedia, 1967.
3. ibid "Christmas."
4. by Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries,
Macmullen Ramsay. Yale, 1997, p. 155
5. Treccani Italian Encyclopaedia of Science, Arts and Letters, voice

La Fitness Prices 2010

blow to the Saint Lucia

Saturday, December 18, 2010
pallets. The Saint Lucia should follow After the disappointing result suffered the week before against Neptune Alghero, things are going bad now, we start late and the wrong turn a couple of times before arriving at the Bombonera of pallets.
We realize now that things are today will not be easy for us, because we are contatissimi, we are 12 in all, including cyclists, rugby players and shoemakers. Of the 12 some people have some physical problems, some are unfamiliar with official events, Mr. Braun was forced to field players who can be found then.
Education: A. Mannu, defense Nurra G. Lorimer and N. central Mannu G. (Returning after injury) and Roger L. side in midfield G. Casada, Lizzeri C., Penna Bianca, Fara Gianni on the right wing, on isolated G. Brau, available only Patignho. Coach Leppereddu, vice Zlatan.
The game immediately takes a nasty turn for us, we are forced to contain the opponents' offensive gusts even though the reality is not forfeited, and once we reach the conclusion that with Brau LK left, we also try to position Casada secluded but the aim is slightly off. For the rest of the monologue hosts who go about scoring the 20th minute, Mannu A. can not keep a ball in the center, ball carom feet Avanti sassarese that leads almost unguarded bags of precision.
few minutes later we would also be an opportunity to equalize, but the beautiful shot of white feather breaks off the crossbar. Spend a few minutes and guests sign the 2-0, the exterior of the Santa Maria seems to have crossed when the ball crossed the end line (the official currency in a different way anyway) and the number 10 from close Sassari undisturbed beats 'Last Chance A. Mannu innocent Saint Lucia on a second punishment within the host, but not between boos and whistles misunderstandings goals per game stopped, Nurre is in charge of the shot but shoots high. In the second half
Mr. Brau tries to change something, Roger goes' in attack and Brau manforte retreats to give the defense Giannifarailfunambolo is back to defend the right. Things do not change and suffer a lot, we suffer a goal on a free kick as the chicks could not be off guard and another network, meanwhile Patignho notes Giannifara and gives off a few shots of a diving header and some pretty good contrast. Latest
15 °, however, are brand Lughiaia indeed begin to attack the flag and trying to score some occasions we create as well, the clearest is that of G. Casada the distance that hit the crossbar with a powerful shot and lift.
ends with a clear defeat of Saint Lucia in 2010, albeit with the excuse of not having to disposizionealmeno 12 players, the commitment of those present today was not enough. Now he hopes to recover bruised, injured and holiday ...
Happy Holidays by the editors of the Official of St. Lucia and sorry if the story of the game came late.

Pinewood Derby Car Star Wars Designs

Moon and fertility rituals associated

Taking advantage of the symbolic date of the Winter Solstice today a reminder of the ancient world that we should never forget.

When the sun sets, the moon draws attention with his candor and his spots.
The Moon reflects to us the sunlight, but reflects a different extent depending on whether the affected region is mountainous or flat. One might think that the flat areas reflect more intensely, as if they were mirrors, but it is not: the flat areas look similar to spots are the "seas" of Galileo, and consist of dark lava rocks, which absorb most of sunlight, reflecting only a small portion (7%). Mountainous regions, however, have a different petrographic composition, clearer, two or three times more reflective.
In Western culture that brings us back in time to explore the Moon is almost certainly the name that we give to our satellite. The word moon comes from the ancient Indo-European root "leuk", meaning "shining" and is passed in the greek "leukosis" shining, clear, white (think of the white blood cells, white blood cells), and then in the Latin "lux" "Light", "lumens." Luna is so for the "bright".
We, however, the word comes through the mediation of the mythology. At Ephesus
satellite, deified as the goddess of fertility with a hundred breasts, was worshiped as Diana or Lucina. Lucina is derived from syncope of our Moon. A similar origin of the greek name of the Moon: Selene. Comes from "selas", meaning splendor, flame.
One of the most obvious concerns that the Moon are the lunar phases, which are due to the different positions that the Moon takes over from the Sun and the Earth, moon phases succeed each month off-road that the Moon orbits the Earth, we see that different percentage of its illuminated side. Since the body was apparently always the same, some people explained the various changes (the full moon, crescent moon, dark moon) with different faces of the same deity. For example in ancient Greece where Hecate was represented with three heads, a lion, a horse and then a dog.
The Mother Goddess was the goddess of motherhood and love of eastern origin (Mesopotamia), it was worshiped throughout the Mediterranean basin, perhaps identified with the Moon, considered a symbol of fertility and regeneration of life, this goddess was the logic of spiritual expression of a people anchored to a Type matriarchal social structure, whose survival was linked to the cycles of the agricultural year.
The Moon was at the heart of every mythology since the dawn of time and its importance is mainly linked to the periodic changes of its appearance.
The action of the moon over the animal world is strongest in the case of some species of marine animals whose sexual maturity is related to tides and moonlight. In
Ceratocephale osawai, a Nereid common in the seas of Japan, fertilization usually takes place during the full moon and new moon. The eggs of an annelid, the Amphitrite ornate, mature during the full moon of June, July and August. The convoluted roscoffensis be fruitful during the spring tides of spring.

Associate to the Mother Goddess, was, at times, also represented his counterpart, the male God identified with the bull, depicted simply by a menhir whose top is slightly sharp and marked by a groove, to symbolize the phallus. Around these rocks is believed the women came together to perform rituals that were intended to propitiate fertility.
Stones thickened, bearing signs for men or women are often coupled to accompany funeral or religious monuments, the divine couple, in fact, was to characterize the sacredness of the place, standing as a symbol of care and protection.
The idea was simple, in the popular imagination the stone was considered the priapos primordial element in the phallic male, driven into the ground, making it fertile. In a microcosmic vision of the primitive images that, as the god male fertilizes the earth through the rock, the same could happen to women in the country, streaking over these sacred stones, they made sure the fertility and procreation. Examples of this type we find them to Plodio, near Borzoli and Savona, near Genoa, where even today we talk about ancient practices linked to "Pria Scugiente" rock of serpentine, also known as the "stone lubraca", where women used to crawl in order to guarantee a smooth delivery.

Among the sites linked to fertility rituals include the lytic circle of the "Grotta delle Fate (Finale Ligure) where, via a staircase carved into the rock, you reach your place on this sacred enclosure vertical antrum. The lytic circle, now unfortunately lost, so could be used for fertility rituals, a huge circle, drawn by stones stuck in the ground, and a corridor reminiscent of the way to reach the round of fertility goddess of the uterus, probably made by a fertile central phallic element, probably a menhir.
Thus we find traces in the local folklore of the Italian tradition of "pocca milkmaids" or "Milk Grotto", the milky liquid that, due to the high content of calcium carbonate, is very similar to the female breast serum. Therefore, if the water is the sacred liquid macrocosmically Mater ensuring fertility, it becomes extremely important in small basins collect rituals that could be called "Shells". In many areas Ligurian Neolithic stones have been found so cuppelliformi etchings with strange-shaped or "U", a schematic representation of the bull totem animal of the goddess, as the promontory of Caprione Beigua Mount or Mount Matto. On the latter there were also many discoveries of diamond-shaped rocks, geometry not random but put your body in relation to female genital with its engraved on small cups, which emphasize the idea that the stone is esposta.Se the female figure, the incision is central symbol of prosperity, the more it is rich in water that accumulates and it is more sacred and the plate at the center of the rock indicates that the "pregnancy" of mater. The myth has its origins, transformation and adaptation to current times and the religious rules, but it contains and is always a sign of the original pagan nature. Remember
rites for fertility or mating call espilicito genital organs are everywhere. Rites, then, Christianity has not abolished, but amended and punished, and the attribution of miraculous ability in those candles symbolic and impressive, to which the ancients had given exceptional ability of fertilization and fertility of Mother Earth. It seems superfluous to point out that these festivals votive matured within those social groups in agriculture, most of which have "built and maintained the archaic traditions, in which the "foul" was not only seen as an organ of reproduction, but also as a symbol of fertility and fertility of the Great Mother Earth and was the best "ex voto" and to promise to donate to the gods for "favors received." So it was that the display of human that organ, which apparently seemed obscene only to Christianity, became a lily, in candles, candlepower, etc., looking through diversity, to escape the persecution of Christianity.

Difference Between Trojan Enzo And Trojan

St. Nicholas of Myra was a bishop in the second half of the fourth century of the city Myra (ancient name of Demre in Lycia (now Turkey). He is the patron of children, boys and girls, students, pharmacists, merchants, sailors, fishermen, perfume makers, coopers, and the victims of miscarriages of justice and lawyers; in the world is mostly known as Santa Claus or Santa Klaus; in Italy is also known as St. Nicholas of Bari, named after the city that houses the remains from the XI century.

St. Nicholas is one of the saints Christianity's most popular and star of many legends about miracles in favor of the needy.

Its emblem is the pastoral staff and three bags of coins (three golden balls). The cult was led in New York by the Dutch settlers (it is the protector of the city of Amsterdam). The patron saint is today, as well as sailors, traders and also why his effigy figure in the arms of the Chamber of Commerce of Bari According to tradition, on December 5 was carrying the gifts (the gift) to good children.

In some Eastern European countries, the tradition to bring a rod with children without merit, with which parents can punish them. In Bari, the cult is a very sensitive, and the first Sunday of May is celebrated the Saint with a long feast that follows the transfer of his bones in the city.
is celebrated on December 6.
is traditionally presented dressed as a bishop with miter and pastoral.

The current representation in red dress trimmed with white stems from the poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas" by Clement C.
of 1821 Moore, who described him as a cheerful, chubby ladies, contributing to the increase in the number of secularized Santa Claus.
All modern versions of Santa Claus come from the same historical figure: the bishop St. Nicholas of Myra. The legend of St. Nicholas is the foundation of this great Dutch Sinterklaas (the birthday of the Holy), which in turn gave rise to the myth and the name of Santa Claus in its many variations.
Santa Claus is an important part of Christmas tradition throughout the Western world.
In many traditions of the Orthodox Church, Santa Claus is identified with St. Basil and brings gifts to children on New Year's Day, which celebrates its feast.

representations of Santa Claus are also closely related to the character of Russian Grandfather Frost (Ded Moroz), who brings presents to children and is wearing a red jacket, fur boots and wears a long white beard.
Much of the iconography of Santa Claus seems to derive from the figure of Ded Moroz, primarily through its German equivalent Väterchen Frost.

The character that is currently known as Santa Claus in the Anglo-Saxon world meets the pre-modern representations of the bearer of gifts with a religious or popular with the British Father Christmas pre-existing. This goes back at least to the seventeenth century, and were left in the period illustrations that is represented as a bearded and burly man, dressed in a green coat down to his feet and decorated with fur. It represented the spirit of the goodness of Christmas, and is located in A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens under the name Ghost of Christmas present.

For example, in the History of New York Washington Irving is an Americanized Sinterklaas to Santa Claus, but devoid of the attributes of bishops, represented first as burly Dutch sailor wrapped in a green cloak and with his pipe in his mouth. Irving's book was a satire of the Dutch community in New York, and many characters in the picture are due to His humorous invention.

Apparently, the modern look of Santa Claus has assumed its final form with the publication of the poem A visit from St. Nicholas, now better known under the title The Christmas Night (The Night Before Christmas), which took place in the newspaper Sentinel the city of Troy. The author of the story is traditionally believed to Clement Clarke Moore, although the attribution is controversial.
Santa Claus, there is a man described as a bit 'stocky with eight reindeer which are named for the first time in this version.

images of Santa Claus were further fixed in the collective imagination through its use in advertising Christmas Coca-Cola, made by Haddon Sundblom. The popularity of this image has meant that many urban legends that spread it to Coca-Cola attributed the invention of Santa Claus.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

White Discharge During 38 Weeks

Communication Service for Saturday!

For Saturday's match at the Ambassador 13:20 appointment (or at least I think ..), we play at 14.30, as reported by Cellino on the chat.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Do Walk In Clinics Prescribe Ambien

The Story of Santa Claus thought about the death of a Gentile

Gentile was not fascist, his thought had ended before the birth of fascism: the arch of his theory is already complete with experience of the First World War.

His political education was of'ispirazione Risorgimento, traveled from the idea of \u200b\u200bpolitics as a civil religion and the state as an ethical value impartial, with the dangerous drawbacks absolutist become known.

His school reform was not the most fascist of the reforms, the person said Mussolini, but a great humanist reform of educational idealism, traveled by patriotism. His "Encyclopedia" was open to all those anti-Fascist intellectuals also.

Its membership was a result of Fascism is porebbe say, the archetype of the State Fascism had in him the strongest theoretical, as the philosophy of war in Gentile had its highest development.

The attempt to link the Risorgimento to Fascism was the work of Gentile di Volpe on the philosophical and historical terms.

From this preamble as the murder of Gentile was an unjust act, coward.

Yes I repeat, raforzo; Gentile was the murder of a carcass, unjust and cowardly,

Gentile's death was not what I dictated in Fascist intransigence, but rather because they sought the agreement, called for anti-fascists and fascists to feel first of all Italian and united in the tragedy of war.

This idea was not forgiven, not liked, then the fascist fanatics and fierce anti-fascist crowd out, largely Communist extraction.

In this regard a profound conosctore of that historical period: Renzo De Felice distinguished between fascism-movement, radical and revolutionary, and fascism-regime, conservative and authoritarian.

I think there is also a party-fascism: cie a militant and partisan vision of movement and a nation that thought-fascism with fascism as a secular arm of Italy, in the sense that there is fulfillment in the nation of Italy in the twentieth century.

idea of \u200b\u200bfascism in this nation joined several fre Intellettali which stand Gentile, Rocco, Fox and others. Hence also the difficult experience of the Social Republic was a historical necessity for them, not the exaltation of the movement. Gentile joined it to be consistent with his past, Fox was held on the sidelines, Rocco was already dead.

All thought of Gentile path was the idea of \u200b\u200bunity, identity, community, and not that of faction and civil war.

Pe spegae the heinous crime should consider what could direct the thinking of the leaders of guerrilla bands: the logic of the worse the better. So the Nazi brutality were used to generate a climate of hatred towards the same and their Fascist allies, so legitimize anti-fascist struggle, the Revolutionary War and sold more atrocious.

also contingent sports events: the shooting of five communist militants in retaliation already inmates in the first episode from which nsceranno death threats to the philosopher, can be interpreted as a decision sostanzanzialmente known, but a coward.

Easier CCID an unarmed man in a car make undertaking courageous but dangerous as smiamento bridges of Florence.

A thought for Italian intellectuals. considered opportunistic, cowardly and servile, but is right when we turn to the second file.

The great Italian intellectuals of the twentieth century were consistent and paid Lto their ideas in person. Ensiamo to Gentile, Gobetti, Gramsci, Jacks, Soft, Bonaiuti, Ducati, Fox. Some were killed, others paid with their exclusion, exile, the loss of their teaching. Cross

not suffered for his anti-fascism, but was still guarded and under threat.

The real error of the intellectuals was that they believed the Italian civilians coincidence of culture and politics, and so remained prisoners of their dream as the Gentile and Gramsci on the other side.

-is accompanied by a statement on the part of Gentile fulazione of five prisoners in December 1943, appeared in the Corriere della Sera, and Reconstructing initolato

" .... So the essential function of culture that is reliable, science and engineering, but it's tradition, and how deep consciousness of this, as the fundamental common need for harmony of mind, referring to everything that can become, the cessation of fighting, except that life against the troublemakers, the traitors, sold or in good faith, but sadistically killing drunk. The fascists have taken, like they had a duty to the initiative of revenge, so they first must set the example of being able to throw into the fire any spirit of revenge and faction, and put on top of the Fatherland Party itself constantly. And if the Party in its national organization, the dependence of leaders in the provinces, in his hand as an organ of the State, the responsibility of power, he must remember that its function is to bear more delicate than ever with large peaceful and constructive spirit Hitting anywhere .... as little as possible, to meet the masses to win their trust and call to the conscience of the common duty. "

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Lump On A Bearded Dragon Throat

Neptune seeks a perfect Saint Lucia 0

Sennori Saturday, December 11, 2010. Ends the streak of Saint Lucia to lose at home in a contest with Neptune Alghero unpleasant. Before
fraction with a conclusion that Bisio well served on the bank of air Zlatan is wedged into the area and takes on a powerful but imprecise, then an eggplant Lizzeri C. that ends in Sorso, a single shot of Guests who leaves little to the side. First fraction with the home team also had a lack of responsiveness that fail to Pintadu G. fraction released by mid distortion.
Necondo time visitors are now online on a blunder of Saint Lucia, on the guest guess a good shot at turning that focuses on seven, is immediately to the reaction of local crushing guests in their own half (except some quick counter-attack) for most of the second fraction has a chance Masaleddu greedy, even white feather of punishment, punishment by the limit to earn several different interventions unorthodox, but today is a day and Neptune brings home the full post . Of note
grafting Fattacciu A. returning to Saint Lucia and little desire to comment ...
Education: Mannu A., Lorimer, N., Braun G., Bisio, A. Nolis, Pintadu G. (15 ° Roger L.), G. Casada (65 ° P. Riu), Lizzeri C. (70 ° C. Tedder), Pen White Masaleddu, Zlatan (46 ° Fattacciu A.); available: Robertino, Fara G., Patignho.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Nissan Xterra / Off Road Lights

Ck Bar - Saint Lucia 0-4, Cellino, but there is: "We need more grit!" Victoria

Caniga Saturday, December 8, 2010. The Saint Lucia tries to stay focused despite a Ck addressing with a recent history of defeats, he tries to chew the first two points of the class involved in the big match and derbyssimo of Porto Torres. The Orange lost Desini recover Nurra G., ZlatanKozakDelRio that occur after three mitered bottle of Jack Daniels in one gulp recovers from injury on Saturday past, Lizzeri C. returned from a cruise in Tunisia and the return of Riu P. Robur the loan.
Training fielded by Mr. Brau assisted by vice Mannu G. and as a daStefaneddu Teammanager: Mannu A. in goal, defense Nurra G. Lorimer and N. Central, on the wings and El TrattorBisio Nolis R., in midfield behind Masaleddu Pintadu G. Pen and White, Sides G. Casada and Roger L., Sanna A. front; available Leppereddu, G. Brau, C. Lizzeri, C. Tedder, Riu P, Berria, ZlatanKozakDelRio; guide the executive pastry chef.
Chronicle. The game starts with Roger immediately dangerous, almost the goal with a header which is sub-'shave the pole and is applauded by many fans who rushed to the Maracana sennoresi Caniga. The Ck After a few minutes to make the dangerous by a shot from outside the box that ends high over the bar, guests do not seem very fit now, however, seek the way of networking with Sanna R. after that its action is mowed to two meters from the door when he wants to leave his magic left, the referee awards the maximum punishment and the pain remains Sanna few minutes and with an eye-catching trinchisi forehead, is responsible for the joke Pen Bianca, who until then had not even touched the ball and beat the goalkeeper with a precise shot at local mid-height and are 1-0 for the hosts.
Immediately after the locals have an opportunity with his fists foiled by A. Mannu, from that moment on, there's only one team in the field, Saint Lucia is more times before the local port with several shots, White Pen escapes shares in two local copy protection, but instead serve Sanna R. centroarea free to look for the sortie staff only able to earn two corners. Shortly after the Penna Bianca kicks on goal but the goalkeeper deflects the ball reaches the feet of Pintadu G. do not think twice and takes a shot safe but a defender saved on the line, Roger tries again but the ball deflected for a corner ends. At 20 °
great goal of Nolis R. served with a wonderful ball that well filtration Pintadu G., click on the offside dribble past the goalie and deposited the net. Only two minutes later, Roger is rewriting in from the left and jump diagonally to the area an opponent with a tunnel and leave as a low shot to the center of the ball that Casada can not attach to a millimeter. For the premises only a few sporadic and confusing action sennorese area.
The first part ends with a penalty denied Pintadu G., who started outside the box after a coil is blatantly mowing height of the disk, but the referee seemed quite intimidated by the locals is' blind eye. Second fraction
beginning with Bisio now using his superpower and launches on the ground just is touched by an opponent obtaining a punishment and a foul side both non-existent; the 5th minute Casada gives way to Lizzeri C. on the right wing, it is now a dove inviting Roger to engaging the local extreme forcing it to divert for a corner, the 10 th minute of the 3-0 comes with Saint Lucia's solitary action Sanna R. that after having sown a defender and the goalkeeper jumps in net deposits with the latter only able to touch the ball. Moments later, Zlatan notes Sanna R. and Leppereddu (character of the day) replaces Pen White Leppereddu who earlier had been seen tinkering with the giggiole in hand. At 20 ° and 24 ° C. Lizzeri minutes searching for the way of goal with no luck, before pulling a fart in the arms of the goalkeeper's left and then hit a meatball to secure that rises high over the crossbar. At the 27 th minute solo foray Roger jumping but also the goalkeeper is tripped, the referee awards a penalty that is transformed by another Pintadu G. for the final 4-0 in favor of Saint Lucia. They spend a few minutes
Hare already nervous sparacchiare decides to stop a ball in play off the field, and was sanctioned with a yellow card by the referee from the bench will be repeatedly called for calm but this is not 'that increased his nervousness and immediately recovers after a ball on the wing and while opponents call to throw the ball out why their friend is on the ground, he decided to embark on speed on the wing but at the start shooting some tendons in his right thigh that were already weak due to the effect of giggiole. At this point Leppereddu becomes indomitable and lashes out repeatedly against the fence in an attempt to sharpen the cleats, send to hell anyone who happens to kick and throw bottles or anything else is between the feet at this point after a few minutes after input field is replaced by Riu P.
Guests looking to sign a banner network with some offensive action but to no avail, the game ends with Robertino field in the last minute that he can not punch.
worth noting the behavior of Nolis R. after the game, knowing that they have to offer something to drink for a goal with one click, and today manages a series of dribbling to absconding for about five hours after the game Gianpaolo S. presents the award to Roger and Sky man of the match in second place in the series of fake Bisio highlighted in the game just ended.
Greetings to all by the editors of Journal

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Howa To Become Naturally Blonde


fdax: + 3212.00 euros net (loss to be recovered 39,744.2 euros).

it went well but we made a mistake by novices: Force risk of doing much damage. the right values \u200b\u200bwere those of yesterday (7045) does not matter that they have taken.
we have to be happy. if they decided to make the assholes and force would be 'Azzi acids.

the insert statement for the bbc reported yesterday that

This is the most liquid DAX ETF and its year to date (as those who follow us know we are claustrophobic) but you can bring more examples.

[ Saturday, Dec. 18 cm ]
the other week for obvious reasons I could not make the record, I do now for the last two.

weekend time reporting.
derived weekly.
fdax: + 3212.00 euros net
(loss to be recovered ..)
total YTD + 403,645.96 euros net
or + 118.72% than capital Starting 2010 (340.000 euros).
graphic account

update graph

7000 met and sunk. from October 15 to present us a 53% + little against our net + 22% abundant.
two months to make 500 points made against the 1000 year to date.
shame really.

and now? growth potential there are very short . the monthly time are marked by two levels of maximum (red lines) which should cover the entire 2011.
a week ago I got in a little shrine to guarantee a healthy habit, and while I waited to be served I took a look around and I found the "capital" which I immediately took intrigued by the cover title. Flucht in den dax ... .. " and then in [I must say really well done for 7 euros per month] a series of articles in a scathing optimism for almost a stranger (the ifo has never been higher. is well oltre i Massimi del 2007).
uno per tutti (anche spero si legga Perchè ogni tanto lo scanner migliore va le bizz)
e poi una serie Tues analisi tecnico / contabili sui diversi titoli del paniere by sottolineare l'attuale inglese che economicità del paniere tradotto significa
... still enough room for improvement, the assessments can at least not yet enough room to grow: Based on the anticipated consolidated profits for 2011 will be the price-P ROFIT ratio (PER) of the DAX at 10.9. This is the important figure well below the 30-year average von 15.1. Um diesen Wert zuerreichen, könnte der Index auf ein neues rein Mathematisch locker Rekordhoch von 9700 Punkten steigen ...
9700, a + 40% from current values \u200b\u200band a maximum of +20% by 2007.
in December 2011, though there will still be, we will revisit this post.
for now let the two arguments take their course. admit our mistakes has never been a problem and never as in this case I hope to be wrong.

as mentioned above there are some critical design. the main one is represented by monthly pattern. subject to reversals (there may also be seen that the volumes will gradually degrade until the first quintet of 2011) the dax marks the fourth consecutive positive monthly *. is an extreme pattern usually occurs close to a peak [ from this point of view I see many similarities with 1999, when congestion (green ellipse), followed by a boom up year-end, fix up and with maximum years in the first half (vertical black)].
other critical states are called overbought on almost all the main frame (you save monthly but remember that a monthly overbought is symptomatic of top ...).

This is our vision.
then we expect a correction at least until 6550/6600 and the timing could be to year with a January / February pv discharge for a resumption of quarterly peak in sight.

for a teddy bear, we said, exceeded the range between 11450 and 11750 are just under 1000 to do without breathing.
for his companion for some time on the weekly chart we have drawn a square projection tg up to 1310/320 (max August 2008) following successful completion of the 1270/80.

index comments do ours alone. and levels of May 2009. who made the tape to be hoped that he did a very good stock picking and / or if only he had had a good dividend return. otherwise likely to be even looser than a corporate bond investor in a bull market for the larger markets that are preparing to close 2010 with a more even, more or less important.
is emblematic of the spread with the DAX (black). and eblematico because not only expressed but against our local index of all the major European indices and how could it be otherwise with a German GDP to grow more than double when all the other good.
reference March 1995
first reference sensing mib: January 1998
reference March 2003
reference in March 2009

the coming week does not have macro ideas of particular importance except for the Thursday session where in addition to the usual subsidies will be accompanied by the publication of instrumental and personal income.

yesterday came the snow, and then this afternoon I devoted myself to shovel the avenue of entry (not all because otherwise I would not be here to write) and from the sidewalks of the house, all under the watchful eye of our Richard and his mamy that greeted me from the windows, I smile. At one point I saw them talk thick thick and then I went over with a snow shovel full of snow of course. when my wife opened the window the smurf did not know what to do, touch or not touch it (too expressive eyes that I forded). then saw his mamy and then it was decided. soon learn that burns with fire there, now has discovered that snow is cold and given the reaction I would say that experience will, I smile 2 times.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

How Much Gse Should I Take

with pain and injuries: Fc San Giovanni - Saint Lucia 2-3

Saturday, December 4, 2010 Eighth
. In the race today, the Saint Lucia, host of the Fc San Giovanni, trying to continue his good run of results, even today the bitter cold makes it ' to master, Saint Lucia has no Mannu G., Stefaneddu, Tedd C. Nurre, G., C. Lizzeri, Manghina P., and long-stay Cossu S.; this week should also include Riu P., and items speak of an entrance hall in Calvia G. team, the same uccelino Green tells us that Nurra G. arrived late to the appointment and could not run in the meadows of Eighth carefree.
Education: A. Mannu, in central defense Desini R., N. Lorimer, left El Tractor Bisio, right Nolis R.; Masaleddu in midfield with director behind Pintadu G. Pen and White, side and Roger L. Casada G.; forward Sanna R.; bench with: Lepr8, Zlatan, Robertino, Mr. Braun, the pastry chef.
Chronicle. The game immediately see the local touch to score in a couple of occasions, and Saint Lucia in trouble partly because of strong winds down. Fc St. John the 5th already ahead with his number 10 on the output of desperate A. Mannu is favorable for a rebound of the net 1-0 (Biava's goal in the style of Inter-Lazio last night ..).
The ball game is always in the hands or feet (as you prefer) of Sassari who continue to attack, the 20th Patingho Doccu is ejected from the bench for guests to have told the referee to run more, meanwhile, tries Masaleddu with the balance and stop volley from outside the box but the goalkeeper is opposed with his fists, shortly after developments a corner of the house save a defender on the line. The first time little else, and freddu Umbe of hosts that show good pace as well as the goals of advantage. In the changing rooms Mr. Brau
must have lectured in his duty because they occur much more energized than the first fraction, immediately seek the path of the network with Bianca Penna LK Casada and nearly the pole with a long diagonal. Orange Barrels, we check out Bisio with a shot from outside the right side that leaves little to the 7th Penna Bianca fa 'forward from local port output, but a minute later comes the big draw with diagonal left-handed Sanna R. bags that intersection, action triggered by Roger. Two minutes later and get the advantage guest, Roger throws a ispiratissimo Sanna R. exceeding speed and with an opponent in a soft cross has a gold ball in white feather an inch from the line that can score easily and are 1-2 for the Saint Lucia. At 12th minute, the goalkeeper of the St. John does not hold a shot, rushes Sanna R. who steals the ball and starts to kick in but unguarded door is kept mowed and the goalkeeper, the referee gives the penalty and warned the local port, which in any other stage in the Indian Ocean, Austrian, Nigerian would be deported, but so 'is; The same Sanna R. is in charge of the bar of the penalty and the goalkeeper displacing network settles in for the temporary 1-3. Mr. Brau
part to Zlatan G. Casada, pastry chef for Pintadu G., but things are going badly because the home team seems to take place. The inputs of the same Brau and Leppereddu instead of Bisio and Roger run out of foreign exchange available to that after a few minutes sennoresi are forced to play with ten men because of the accident which occurred at Desini R.che in an attempt to get a sweep nasty blow to the foot.
the St. John tries to take advantage of it, albeit with mixed actions, although dangerous, but hand it to him from 'the referee whistled a penalty does not exist (even according to the same attacker Sassari) for an alleged foul by N. Lorimer, the penalty A. Mannu understands very well and para, riveted on the local capture a pole. Shortly after Zlatan in an attempt to bring the ball forward suffered a painful knee sprain and will remain at nine, while the pastry chef in the shade in the few minutes in the field suffers a relapse of contracture that had forced him to rest for a few days and are almost eight . Great suffering
final with locals who lead at 2-3 with a shot from close range and make it a dangerous time, the game ends with several minutes of recovery by the referee inexplicably, Santa Lucia 3 Fc St. John 2.
considerations. For the first time Saint Lucia censor and the second tranche by lions, great performance and an inspired Sanna R. Roger the top, good race for El Tractor Bisio, R. Nolis and Masaleddu (which are sometimes one always tries to bake pancakes).
We hope that the injuries suffered in today's race is unimportant, so you have all available ahead of Wednesday's midweek game against Ck Bar
be noted that the absence of Presidentissimo Cellino was spotted at 'Hotel Quark in Milan where they are finalizing negotiations to market that should lead to Saint Lucia with two Brazilian midfielders passed in series C. From
Official Greetings to all fans

Friday, December 3, 2010

Pinnacle Tvcenter Pro Software For Mac


fdax: + 5749 euros net (loss to be recovered 42,956.2 euros)

a little more than expected but still suffered with a maximum spread of 7.5 points .

the reference to the weekly update we (first of all I have to run tomorrow in boston and then from there you'll see).

weekend time reporting.
derived weekly.
fdax: + 17,118.00 euros net (loss to be recovered ..)
total YTD + 400,433.96 euros net or + 117.77 % compared to the starting capital 2010 (340.000 euros).
graphic account

update graph
we: - 22 index points 7000 by Friday us
+ 17% YTD.
future 3391.5 points from the lows of March 2009 euros net = 1.185K [7 Rolling deadlines for purified cg +] than to which we are losing approx 242K. over the period, which translates to 3588.5 instead of entering the minimum, we entered 4194.5: 605.5 Spread over 3388 tracks or a -17.88% compared to the potential of a trend follower.
5 opportunities to do better for a total of 40 runs over the relevant period to 108 or 36.6%.
if I widen the view I wonder if it is a case
over short : 4 + 4 * 7135 * each 75 points to go up (eg 7210 ...) up to a max of 16> end 7020.
fdax expires 3 / 2011

Americans. earlier this week seemed to direct the yarn to 10,750, but they are a very narrowly - 0.55% news from the top of the range indicated in the previous comment. (11,450).
cross was shot with a mandatory tg 1.378/138 (22.11 U.S.), this will result in a real depreciation of the Dow of about 3% in index values, which translated means coming sleeping of 11,750 (vds comment last week).

next quintet does not have survey data until Friday next, which looms very volatile session. from then on will be a set of data from K to 17 pv (deadlines).
Friday pv not be there, and the same applies to the following Monday. then there are just over ten sessions (23 minutes will be the last trading session this year).

Syphillis Chancre Could Be

"De Wikileaks" Emotions

Assange I think, with his operations, he managed to bring together U.S. and China on the possibility of free flow of information to be respectively fermata.Si is the nation that represents the top of the Western world and across a state that maximum expression of the way veivere "Oriental" with all its contradictions.

Most of the contradictions we read in today's international arrest warrant issued against Assange from 'Interpol on the basis of some reports of violence sessuale.Certamente Interpol intervene to make a complaint was not supported by facts and also limited (Sweden) seems clear that there may be something in the shadows. Two levels

information, a "clear" and a "cryptic" in the present age is hard to maintain. Internet overlaps the entire amount of information, making it difficult to have total privacy.

long as our constitution guarantees the free expression of opinion and Laliberte print has the right to disseminate informazione.una society to become this increased freedom of movement with the aid tebere computer is always in mind. If not adopt a system of dissemination of news Chinese style, where everything is filtered.

E 'Wikileaks is obvious that only the apical appearance of a deep-seated problem.

But we must think about the problem. Not the information itself.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hand Pain Diagnosis Online


fdax: + 5768.00 euros net (loss to be recovered: 48,705.2 euros).

fast and clean.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Galeria De Patty Cake


fdax: + 5871.00 euros net (loss to be recovered 54,473.2 euros)

trade quite quickly with a minimum spread of 3 points .

the chocolate has proposed to freeze wages for two years. only exception is military personnel. fear of an internal coup?
another crazy idea.

to read if you like even if dated.

the dax.

take this opportunity to make a heartfelt "good luck" [cracks] to one of the youngest of the study justified absent from today to study (state exam for lawyers).
hopefully not be the trots ... (I came).