Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sharp Pain Elbow Touched

The Journal of

The transcripts of the Journal of Saint Lucia

A. Mannu - SV - for the first time you freeze the balls waiting for a friend of Usini that warm hands, a good speech on a free kick in the second half, the game ends in a speech to the slip of orange juice Robertino be harmful to his career; inviolate.
Desini R. - 6 - has been called into question a few times and has responded positively, in the end loses his head and threatens to mark the scuffles Psycho frittellapasticcereGiuseppe Lorimer; Perplexed.
Nolis R. - 6 - strives to make his first goal of the season but he is always at the right time to sneeze in the final barrel with orbi MisterBrau for being pushed to the goalkeeper to massage panzuzza. Loose cannon.
Loriga N . - 6 - chasing opponents constantly teasing every now and ankles. Mastiff.
Nurra G. - 6.5 - not you see that he lacks the experience and make it for the team proposing and setting starts. Rocky.
Masaleddu - 6 - he always expected something more, to assist painter white feather in the second half. Worker (cassintegrati).
Pintadu G. - 6.5 - fight, tax rolls and cooks assist with spoons and forks. Omnipresent.
Casada G. - 6 - the band is not good, seek affect most of the match, however, deserves sufficiency. Bored.
FrittellapasticcereGiuseppe Loriga - 6.5 - the fans are expecting big croassaint cream from him, but there's only donuts deflated by our hero, affects more than 2 goals a game with tricksy that denies the double Robertino the mythical, like stealing candy from a baby. Opportunist thief or (your choice).
Leppereddu - 6.5 - search continuously, but the goal is a great feeling with the panzuzza the goalkeeper, strikes repeatedly as if it were a bonghetto but the music does not change, the assist fades to white feather in front of the 12 scoring devoured. Disappointed.
Penna Bianca - 7 + - the best, surprising everyone with his performance in growing up, all important actions pass from his feet, tries to score leppereddu in every way, but this is another story ... Two goals to round off a super performance. Reinvigorated
Zlatandisossu - 6.5 - comes in place of leppereddu and immediately highlights hit the post, can make mistakes in the empty net at the invitation of the goalkeeper, but then redeems itself by putting down the person concerned and bagging with a razor at the near post. Angry.
Ruggeroilbiondo - SV - enters the rispesa, but the time available to him does not allow him to give vent to his beautiful sparacchiate. Molleggiato
Robertino - 9 - the 'idol of the fans and the attendance goes to 5 minutes after sparking an uproar. At his first and only bags of precision ball caressed by venting all his joy for about 8 minutes. The celebrations continue in the game after causing several bruised. And if you later sign ?????
MisterBrawn - 7 - guesses the best training, putting the right people at the right place! Is paid to the schemes and tactics tested during training. Thus obtained the confidence of the President and the Company, no longer in balance. Relaxed
President - 8 - (Trust) in the second half taken by 'emotion to let go of exclamations seasoned with epithets against anyone who happens to shoot. In particular shows off the best adjectives ERfrittellaLoriga against his buddy. Despite the wide victory has something to say. Insatiable

Alberto Brandi and the entire editorial staff of the Saint Lucia Gazette thank you for your attention and await the next episode.
Article cooperating many people who ask to remain anonymous ...


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