Sunday, November 7, 2010

Adderall Price In Pakistan

body energy

Since our culture admires the most masculine and rational approach to life, and despise the feminine side, more inclined to feelings, everyone has learned, in some measure, to hide their feelings, even to themselves.

We have learned to bury most of our feelings deep inside ourselves, and show the world just what it seems safer, and generally is not much.
Most of us feel very uncomfortable with the feelings commonly regarded as "negative", such as fear, sadness, pain, the anger and the feeling of being hurt. In reality there are no negative feelings.

We define negative things because they do not understand, and then we are afraid. All these feelings are natural and important, and each has a significant role in human experience. Instead of rejecting them and avoid them, we need to explore and discover the gift that gives us all feeling.

Thoughts are much more connected to the conscious mind and the will, and feelings come from a place deeper and less rational. To some extent we can consciously choose our thoughts, but the only choice we have about our feelings is the way the deal.

For example, the person who has been dismissed may choose to bask in critical thinking or vindictive about his boss, or focus on thoughts that relate to the search for another job.

But the underlying emotions of anger and fear remain unchanged. The person may choose to deal with these feelings while sitting at home in the throes of depression, or going to yell at the head office or venting to a friend or a therapist, and then go looking for a new job.

In other words, you can suppress the feelings, vent, express or explore, accept, and then find a way to act appropriately to take care of itself.

possible to identify and to live our feelings when they occur, we develop the tools to stay in touch with them.

is important to get in touch with the needs that lie beneath our emotions and learn to communicate effectively. Under most of our emotions are our basic needs of love, acceptance, security and autoconsiderazione.

We need to know the vulnerable child who still lives deep within us, and become the loving parent that our inner child needs.

Our feelings are an important part of the life force that is constantly moving through us. Preventing oneself to truly experience their emotions, it stops the natural flow of life force.

The energy is locked in the physical body and may remain so for years or even for life, until he is freed. This condition causes pain and emotional and physical, and disease.

repressed feelings = energy = blocked physical and emotional illnesses.

accept our emotions, allow us to live and learn to communicate in a constructive and balanced, makes it flow easily and naturally through us. So the life force flows unimpeded through the physical body, and produces physical and emotional healing.

Living = feelings = energy flow freely and physical health and emotional well-being.

I like to use the analogy that compares our emotions to the weather, constantly changing sometimes dark, sometimes bright, intense and sometimes violent, sometimes calm and quiet.

Try to resist or control the emotional experience is like trying to control the weather: the ultimate futility and frustration! Moreover, if we lived only on sunny days the exact temperature of 20 degrees, life would be pretty boring.

When we can appreciate the beauty of the rain, wind and snow as the sun, we are free to enjoy the life in all its fullness.

After repressed and blocked our feelings we can not get in touch with the universe within us, we can not listen to our intuitive voice and we can not enjoy being alive.

supervise our feelings when we prevent vital energy to flow through our bodies. The energy of these feelings repressed and unexpressed get stuck in your body and this causes emotional and physical distress and, over time, disease and physical ailments. We become apathetic, if we were dead.

After experiencing and the feelings of the past, before the repressed, an increased flow of energy and vitality will enrich your life. It 'important that you learn to be in touch with your feelings as soon as they appear: in this way they can continue to move through you and your channel will remain free.

Emotions have a cyclical nature and, like the weather, constantly changing. During an hour a day or a week we can try different sensations. If we understand what we are learning to appreciate all our feelings and allow them to continue to change.

But when we fear some feelings such as sadness or fear, we will start to use our emotional brakes as soon as we have the perception. We will not perceive them completely, so we stopped half way without completing the experience.

We tend to consider some painful sensation, and therefore we would like to avoid them. I discovered, however, that the pain really comes from resistance to a sensation.

On an emotional level that hurts us is our resistance to feeling a "negative". While, if we allow ourselves to perceive and accept it totally, it becomes an intense feeling, not a pain.

There are many feelings "negative" or "positive" give us these, depending on whether we reject or accept. To me, all sensations are part of the inexpressible feeling of being alive and changing. If we love all the different sensations, they seem like the colors of the rainbow of life.


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