Monday, November 29, 2010

Galeria De Patty Cake


fdax: + 5871.00 euros net (loss to be recovered 54,473.2 euros)

trade quite quickly with a minimum spread of 3 points .

the chocolate has proposed to freeze wages for two years. only exception is military personnel. fear of an internal coup?
another crazy idea.

to read if you like even if dated.

the dax.

take this opportunity to make a heartfelt "good luck" [cracks] to one of the youngest of the study justified absent from today to study (state exam for lawyers).
hopefully not be the trots ... (I came).

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Shannon Whirry Shaved

Saint Lucia - All Blacks 2-0

Saturday, November 27, 2010
Sennori, today sees the game the hosts in front of Saint Lucia against the All Blacks at the moment the last round of the premises must do without their best player FrittellaLoriga of Stefaneddu aches and a Leppereddu not in perfect condition, not to mention the unavailability of Pintadu G. due to bureaucratic problems which arose during the night.
Training fielded by Mr. Brau: A. Mannu, defense Desini R. Nurre and G. central external Manghina P. Bisio and, further back in midfield Masaleddu assisted by A. Sheets and G. Casada, external Roger L. and Tedd C., Sanna R. lone forward; available: G. Brau, ZlatanDelRio, Lepr8, Robertino, N and Nolis R. Lorimer
Chronicle. After
few minutes in which the teams studying each other the game is released now with Sanna R. recovering in a speed opposing defender resists and detained past goalkeeper for a goal of 1-0, the 20th the referee awards a penalty to the hosts on which the guests do not protest too much, is in charge of the bar Penna white bags with no problems.
The first portion is closed with no more excitement with a predominance of local and guests who can not become dangerous.
The second tranche will open with Nolis R. (Which was initially ruled out for disciplinary problems and the company was fined and forced to refer it to the sports court) instead of C. Tedder very incisive on the left in the first portion of the game, the home team it is now much more proactive than the first time, just Nolis test shot from outside the area by sending a little high, Sheets A. Sanna and R. forward and talk often on two occasions Sanna R. Penna Bianca throws very well on the first occasion that picks up a bead and then pull slightly to the weak side, all interspersed with a few little pirouette of Roger served on the group today.
The visiting team has the opportunity to close the gap but Mannu instinctively replies in two days of the close up shot of the guests number 80 and soon after ZlatanDelRio takes over from Roger N. and Lorimer Notes Manghina P., MisterBrau then redraws the right wing with the new grafts.
Loriga N. fa 'now noted for its timely closure on attacking opponents, while a little farther Zlatan tries just a few numbers on the band, while screaming loudly Presidentissimo him in reviewing the deeds of the Confectioner, 20 minutes into the Zlatan you' forgive with a good percussion at the flag and with a fine back-heel that serves Casada with pinpoint cross found the head of the white feather that directs well hit the post inside.
few minutes later Brau inserts himself instead of just Casada, the same as one minute before the center area well served weak kick and the goalkeeper can mignoletto with foil. Guests have an excellent opportunity with a shot from outside the area A. Mannu defuses flying well at the intersection of the poles and soon after a ball full of soap trying to embarrass the same house that can bring heirs in two times and with a little prayer to smanacciare in some way, then Sanna R. Nolis and R. become dangerous. Last minute Robertinho field that touches on the scoring with a powerful left cross to his.
The Saint Lucia played well for most of the game risking something only half later, the victory could be more discussion if only we had had over wickedness and precision in front of goal, however, is to emphasize the absence of spearhead Pastry able to illuminate with his play this game, we hope to recover for the next match.
Lastly, the good performance of A. Mannu, N. Lorimer, G. Casada, Sanna R. Zlatan and (in the short time available to him), while disappointed by the defense on a few occasions in distress and white feather that the last few weeks we had become accustomed to very different performance. Bisio has certainly been badly affected by the eye drops that is not allowed to gallop as usual.
The preparation Thanks for the drinks and cold that occurred on time to keep company with our balls.
Greetings by the editors of Journal

Friday, November 26, 2010

Finnish Sauna Erection

Robertino: goals and interview transcripts

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sharp Pain Elbow Touched

The Journal of

The transcripts of the Journal of Saint Lucia

A. Mannu - SV - for the first time you freeze the balls waiting for a friend of Usini that warm hands, a good speech on a free kick in the second half, the game ends in a speech to the slip of orange juice Robertino be harmful to his career; inviolate.
Desini R. - 6 - has been called into question a few times and has responded positively, in the end loses his head and threatens to mark the scuffles Psycho frittellapasticcereGiuseppe Lorimer; Perplexed.
Nolis R. - 6 - strives to make his first goal of the season but he is always at the right time to sneeze in the final barrel with orbi MisterBrau for being pushed to the goalkeeper to massage panzuzza. Loose cannon.
Loriga N . - 6 - chasing opponents constantly teasing every now and ankles. Mastiff.
Nurra G. - 6.5 - not you see that he lacks the experience and make it for the team proposing and setting starts. Rocky.
Masaleddu - 6 - he always expected something more, to assist painter white feather in the second half. Worker (cassintegrati).
Pintadu G. - 6.5 - fight, tax rolls and cooks assist with spoons and forks. Omnipresent.
Casada G. - 6 - the band is not good, seek affect most of the match, however, deserves sufficiency. Bored.
FrittellapasticcereGiuseppe Loriga - 6.5 - the fans are expecting big croassaint cream from him, but there's only donuts deflated by our hero, affects more than 2 goals a game with tricksy that denies the double Robertino the mythical, like stealing candy from a baby. Opportunist thief or (your choice).
Leppereddu - 6.5 - search continuously, but the goal is a great feeling with the panzuzza the goalkeeper, strikes repeatedly as if it were a bonghetto but the music does not change, the assist fades to white feather in front of the 12 scoring devoured. Disappointed.
Penna Bianca - 7 + - the best, surprising everyone with his performance in growing up, all important actions pass from his feet, tries to score leppereddu in every way, but this is another story ... Two goals to round off a super performance. Reinvigorated
Zlatandisossu - 6.5 - comes in place of leppereddu and immediately highlights hit the post, can make mistakes in the empty net at the invitation of the goalkeeper, but then redeems itself by putting down the person concerned and bagging with a razor at the near post. Angry.
Ruggeroilbiondo - SV - enters the rispesa, but the time available to him does not allow him to give vent to his beautiful sparacchiate. Molleggiato
Robertino - 9 - the 'idol of the fans and the attendance goes to 5 minutes after sparking an uproar. At his first and only bags of precision ball caressed by venting all his joy for about 8 minutes. The celebrations continue in the game after causing several bruised. And if you later sign ?????
MisterBrawn - 7 - guesses the best training, putting the right people at the right place! Is paid to the schemes and tactics tested during training. Thus obtained the confidence of the President and the Company, no longer in balance. Relaxed
President - 8 - (Trust) in the second half taken by 'emotion to let go of exclamations seasoned with epithets against anyone who happens to shoot. In particular shows off the best adjectives ERfrittellaLoriga against his buddy. Despite the wide victory has something to say. Insatiable

Alberto Brandi and the entire editorial staff of the Saint Lucia Gazette thank you for your attention and await the next episode.
Article cooperating many people who ask to remain anonymous ...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Single Seater Sand Car

Saint Lucia Saint Lucia - PSV Usini 6-0

Sennori Saturday, November 20, 2010, the twentieth consecutive home game sees PSV Usini opposed to orange, the ranks premises there is some defection in addition to the suspensions. In the press box with me and does crutch 'peep qulache penguin, but nothing special.
Training home: A. Mannu, defense Loriga N., Desini R., Nurre, G., R. Nolis; midfield with: Pintadu G., G. Casada, Pastry, Masaleddu, assisted by forward Leppereddu Sheets; bench: Bisio , Del Rio, Robertino, Roger.
Report: Leppereddu steals from the very first ball to a defender and kick narrowly wide soon after the same Leppereddu serves on the offside front of the white feather that only door sends the ball on the pole outside. Around the 10th comes the goals of the owners, the development of the corner Penna Bianca receives the ball in the center of the undisturbed deposit of the network easily, within minutes of starting the battle between Leppereddu panzuzza and the goalkeeper, in fact Lepr8 sparacchia at least three or four balls on careful hitting goalkeeper in various parts of the body, or one of the repeated rushes to the mess that the 20 ° partial leads 2-0. A few minutes later Leppereddu well served in speed Sheets hesitates but takes a little good in diagonal, the goalkeeper turning it over in the corner of the foot.
The first half ends with a left footed shot on the first post of the tablets on which once again will host the last defender for a corner with diverting more than a fingertip. First time in clear difficulties for guests who operate in the range of some change in Saint Lucia Loriga N. Bisio way to horseback riding.
The second tranche begins with guests perky, but it is still the Saint Lucia to have the ball in the game, Leppereddu sends plenty to side on the 5th, the guests become dangerous with a header just wide and with an action speed Desini can unravel in extremis. On the 10th an enterprising but gives way to blunt Leppereddu ZlatanDelRio, this well-primed by a perfect spoon Pintadu, it is immediately dangerous to send the ball on the mast at goalkeeper already beaten. On the 14th percussion offensive that Nolis after an exchange with the ubiquitous Sheets kicks at the near post but the goalkeeper diving para, perfect free-kick two minutes after that fishing Masaleddu Penna Bianca bag with a beautiful lob to the momentary 3-0. At 20 °
dangerous guests with a venomous free-kick that enhances A. Mannu which screws turning a corner, shortly after the local extreme is forced to leave the poles to block action in the speed of the guests. Five minutes later
white pen test to surprise the goalkeeper directly on the corner, but rejects quest'ultimoe attentive and, shortly after the confectioner's dangerous free-kick from a distance. The same Pastry marks the deviation of 4-0 helped by a defender usines. The 30th lord of the goalkeeper who decides to mark ZlatanDelRio but kindly return the ball on sparacchiandogliela; Zlatan draws shortly after dribbling with a defender and a number throwing the ball with power pole to the edge of 5-0. Sign in to post
RuggeroilBiondo Nolis, Robertino ovation for that sheet and notes to his first ball touched bags (not on the scoresheet), while three thousand spetttori who came from all over the world are stripping their hands.
But there is still time to see the clever bit of mess that takes advantage of the opponents of fair play and 6-0 letters from the censor!
We apologize to opponents despite playing for them was not very happy they were very correct. From
report a bruised during the festivities with the goal of orange juice and some life jackets washed Robertino .. Soon interviews and actions of the game.
I apologize to readers if I have forgotten some important action Stefaneddu but I was continually disturbing in the press.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Adderall Price In Pakistan

body energy

Since our culture admires the most masculine and rational approach to life, and despise the feminine side, more inclined to feelings, everyone has learned, in some measure, to hide their feelings, even to themselves.

We have learned to bury most of our feelings deep inside ourselves, and show the world just what it seems safer, and generally is not much.
Most of us feel very uncomfortable with the feelings commonly regarded as "negative", such as fear, sadness, pain, the anger and the feeling of being hurt. In reality there are no negative feelings.

We define negative things because they do not understand, and then we are afraid. All these feelings are natural and important, and each has a significant role in human experience. Instead of rejecting them and avoid them, we need to explore and discover the gift that gives us all feeling.

Thoughts are much more connected to the conscious mind and the will, and feelings come from a place deeper and less rational. To some extent we can consciously choose our thoughts, but the only choice we have about our feelings is the way the deal.

For example, the person who has been dismissed may choose to bask in critical thinking or vindictive about his boss, or focus on thoughts that relate to the search for another job.

But the underlying emotions of anger and fear remain unchanged. The person may choose to deal with these feelings while sitting at home in the throes of depression, or going to yell at the head office or venting to a friend or a therapist, and then go looking for a new job.

In other words, you can suppress the feelings, vent, express or explore, accept, and then find a way to act appropriately to take care of itself.

possible to identify and to live our feelings when they occur, we develop the tools to stay in touch with them.

is important to get in touch with the needs that lie beneath our emotions and learn to communicate effectively. Under most of our emotions are our basic needs of love, acceptance, security and autoconsiderazione.

We need to know the vulnerable child who still lives deep within us, and become the loving parent that our inner child needs.

Our feelings are an important part of the life force that is constantly moving through us. Preventing oneself to truly experience their emotions, it stops the natural flow of life force.

The energy is locked in the physical body and may remain so for years or even for life, until he is freed. This condition causes pain and emotional and physical, and disease.

repressed feelings = energy = blocked physical and emotional illnesses.

accept our emotions, allow us to live and learn to communicate in a constructive and balanced, makes it flow easily and naturally through us. So the life force flows unimpeded through the physical body, and produces physical and emotional healing.

Living = feelings = energy flow freely and physical health and emotional well-being.

I like to use the analogy that compares our emotions to the weather, constantly changing sometimes dark, sometimes bright, intense and sometimes violent, sometimes calm and quiet.

Try to resist or control the emotional experience is like trying to control the weather: the ultimate futility and frustration! Moreover, if we lived only on sunny days the exact temperature of 20 degrees, life would be pretty boring.

When we can appreciate the beauty of the rain, wind and snow as the sun, we are free to enjoy the life in all its fullness.

After repressed and blocked our feelings we can not get in touch with the universe within us, we can not listen to our intuitive voice and we can not enjoy being alive.

supervise our feelings when we prevent vital energy to flow through our bodies. The energy of these feelings repressed and unexpressed get stuck in your body and this causes emotional and physical distress and, over time, disease and physical ailments. We become apathetic, if we were dead.

After experiencing and the feelings of the past, before the repressed, an increased flow of energy and vitality will enrich your life. It 'important that you learn to be in touch with your feelings as soon as they appear: in this way they can continue to move through you and your channel will remain free.

Emotions have a cyclical nature and, like the weather, constantly changing. During an hour a day or a week we can try different sensations. If we understand what we are learning to appreciate all our feelings and allow them to continue to change.

But when we fear some feelings such as sadness or fear, we will start to use our emotional brakes as soon as we have the perception. We will not perceive them completely, so we stopped half way without completing the experience.

We tend to consider some painful sensation, and therefore we would like to avoid them. I discovered, however, that the pain really comes from resistance to a sensation.

On an emotional level that hurts us is our resistance to feeling a "negative". While, if we allow ourselves to perceive and accept it totally, it becomes an intense feeling, not a pain.

There are many feelings "negative" or "positive" give us these, depending on whether we reject or accept. To me, all sensations are part of the inexpressible feeling of being alive and changing. If we love all the different sensations, they seem like the colors of the rainbow of life.

Subway Bread Halal Or Haram

fireplaces fable

recently in newspapers and in television commercials there is a unique advertising: that of fire in a fireplace that, according to the manufacturer, are fireplaces without chimney smoke-free and well, that's incredible, with no fine.

They work primarily with bio-ethanol from biomass, particularly from the fermentation of corn.

But is it really safe bio-ethanol?

Many say yes, but as soon andi love in studies such as that sponsored by prof. Jacobson University Stanfordecco that this belief is questioned .

The study, published in the journal Environmental Science Technology, tries to estimate the possible effects on health a complete replacement of gasoline with ' E85 (85% bioethanol, 15% gasoline) by 2020.

The study takes into account all of the USA and particularly in the area of \u200b\u200bLos Angeles the following factors:

  • projections the increase of American population

  • projected increase in traffic

  • forecasts decrease emissions of individual vehicles.

Based on these assumptions, the model of Jacobson in 2020 provides a 4% increase in mortality in the U.S. because of higher levels of ozone dell'E85 arising from the use (the link between ground-level ozone and mortality is quite well studied ).

L ' increased mortality rises to 9% if one considers only the area of \u200b\u200b Los Angeles (where they are concentrated around 30% of all U.S. deaths for ozone). Similar increases are observed in cases of hospitalization ozone and in cases of asthma . Nonce should be rather significant changes in cancer cases.

forecasts Jacobson clearly marked by a degree of uncertainty (in particular with regard to the future values \u200b\u200bof the maximum emissions of the cars), but one thing is certain , bioethanol will not improve air quality .

One thing, however, is not said in the study of Jacobson: if the U.S. were to switch from gasoline all'E85 would need a quantity of corn of about 13-14 times the current production .

Where will they go to get it? To grow it should be about third of all arable land the planet ...

Regardless of the amount of pesticides used for growing corn.

The biofireplace heats the house, saving money.

It 's true?

Here we just do not.

Turning corn into ethanol and then burn in a fireplace is just nonsense. We begin to think of the cost required to grow corn, distill it into alcohol and then carry it.

short, the energy cost of ethanol is so high that it is foolish to burn in the fireplace.

That thing is completely pointless to even see without scratching my head too much on energy efficiency. About 20 liters of ethanol will cost 65 Euro or 3.25 Euro per liter (!!!!), It 's almost more convenient use of grappa (bioethanol is that too), but we're close.

Consider that a pound of wood costs about 10 cents. The wood has a calorific value which is about half that of ethanol, but at the same calorific value, bio-ethanol costs more than ten times more.

Then if one wants to see this thing for what it is, or something purely decorative , is fine. Of course, creates a romantic atmosphere, and if invited to dinner a beautiful woman (or man) may be that bioethanol fireplace to give you a hand for the company to seduce her / o.

biofireplace The non-polluting and does not require flues

From elementary schools teach that the product of any combustion is water and anidridecarbonica

Install a brazier (because that is what we speak) are in unsuitable environments, such as sealed windows to reduce drafts and heat loss. Under these conditions, one of these fireplaces have no flue could do damage to health.

kept burning continuously from someone who can afford these prices bioethanol may lead to increased CO2 concentration sufficient to fully be a better migraine and perhaps something worse.

short, the marketing has surpassed all decency.

Until a few years ago companies were studying the market and consumers, and gave the products we needed, now we create needs!

Main sources

MZJacobsonm Environ.Sci.Tecnol., ASAP Article (published on the web April 18, 2007