Thursday, October 14, 2010

What Store That Sell Nylon

Substitute of milk a fraudulent myth

How can a product invented to save a life in severe cases it has become customary for mothers and children who do not need them, replacing among other things a product at no cost , environmental quality and incomparable like breast milk? In this expansion has certainly contributed to social factors such as the shift from extended family to nuclear energy and the progressive incorporation of women the world of work. But an important role had the "mongering", the invention of a nonexistent need to "sell on the sound."
Henri Nestlé had saved the lives of premature and sick women milk with his meal, but soon became a consumer product imposed by advertising in all sections,

At the same time the invention and development of breastmilk substitutes, the birth and growth of modern scientific medicine. One of the characteristics of which was and is the medicalization, that is, the attempt or requirement to screen all medical events in the life of an individual who can affect your health. It happened with the birth, and it happened with the feeding of infants and children. Breast-feeding and weaning, which had been practiced for millennia in a natural way, through the intergenerational transmission of related behaviors, become the object of attention by pediatricians. We can not control the quantity and quality of breast milk, they welcomed the idea to use and prescribe a substitute. At first, the late nineteenth century, are opponents of industry, consider that it is up to them, and not "chemical" as Nestlé, Liebig and Mellin, determine the composition of the product. It is mainly pediatricians U.S. to launch the enterprise and to develop different "formulas" to dilute and mix cow's milk with other ingredients, in an attempt to make it suitable for infant feeding. The word "formula", which is still used in English to indicate the formula and now also coming into use in pediatric Italian dictionary, is born at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century the Faculty of Medicine at Harvard University. Around 1920, however, the majority of pediatricians, frustrated by the complexity of prescribing and preparing the formulas proposed by various schools of Pediatrics, now the recommended formula industry.

is formed and this, to consolidate following around the world, a close alliance between health care professionals, pediatricians in the first place, but not limited to, the industry that manufactures and markets breast milk substitutes. Alliance that ranges from research to training and the provision of services, but in any case, the industry integrates into its system of marketing. Despite major American medical journals, publishes English and German from the beginning of the twentieth century items that show that children fed with formula milk have a mortality rate, and more general state of health and nutrition, worse than that of breastfed infants breast.

Once the mothers, persuaded that the their milk is inadequate or inappropriate, try milk formula, the market for the same is guaranteed. The infant who, having taken milk formula, breast milk sucking less, in fact, that triggers physiological process that will take the mother to produce less and less, until exhaustion. The industry knows perfectly which is why this mechanism that concentrates its efforts on women who must decide how to feed the child and the first days after birth. Free supplies of infant formula to hospitals, now banned by law but still in vogue, have precisely this evil purpose: to make readily available substitute for breast milk so that it represents for everyone, mothers and caregivers, easy and immediate solution when you see the slightest problem with breastfeeding. Marketing is not solely responsible for these problems are certainly part of their health care providers are not adequately prepared to implement routines and practices that encourage breastfeeding. But if at least partly responsible, we must set limits to protect public health. We must not forget that in low-income populations are estimated at over one million children who die because they are breastfed.

or tried to show how the mechanisms that lead to widespread use and improper use of breastmilk substitutes are in place for over 100 years and are based on the same principles currently adopted by the multinational drug companies invent diseases and to make trade. Not for nothing that the infant formula industry, having done so over the years, its products, at least in Italy, are sold mainly in pharmacies, resist any attempt, from above and below, giving priority to sale through normal commercial channels. He wants to say that, as long as you can, its products kept in the collective imagination the appearance of a drug. Needless to say, in this dispute is able to have at his side, allies, the majority of pediatricians, which is unlikely to give up a conference or a course sponsored.

Some people think that this trend should be carried to excess, that the formula milk that is to be officially categorized as a drug (actually, in all countries of the world unless Israel is classified as a special food). In this way, say those who advocate this solution, would be usable only on prescription, and then only when mom and / or child is seriously ill and unable to breastfeed. The parallel story of "disease mongering" should teach us that this is not: a usable only on prescription medication can be like chewing gum.

It follows it is preferable to the opposite: that the milk formula should be compared to eggplant. Perhaps, downgraded from medical product to a vegetable, would cease to be attractive to paediatricians and to compete with breast milk.


R. Smith Investigating the previous studies of a fraudulent author. British Medical Journal 2005;331:288-91.


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