Saturday, October 30, 2010

How To Can Burnt Circulon Pot

72 years ago: War of the Worlds

At twenty o'clock in the October 30 1938, after the first notes of the music program, broke the voice of the Annunciation: "Ladies and gentlemen, please accept our apologies for the interruption of our program of dance music, but we just received a special bulletin the Intercontinental Radio News. At 7:40, Central time, Professor Farrell of the Mount Jennings Observatory, Chicago, Illinois, has found several explosions of incandescent gas that have occurred at regular intervals on the planet Mars. Spectroscopic investigations have established that the gases is hydrogen and is moving towards the earth at enormous speed ... "It began, 72 years ago reading recited by Orson Welles radio all'emitente CBS G. Wells's novel. At the end of the transmission, Orson Welles went to a nearby theater to take part in trials of an evening show, coming to notice only the day after the uproar that his interpretation had unleashed. Actually, Welles thought the adaptation was boring, and did not want to propose it, except that he was forced to use it because he found himself without any other interesting material available. The result was all too realistic and it was a huge advertisement for the director, who led RKO to offer him a contract for the construction of three films that Hollywood.Tanto Welles said later "They were the size of the reaction to be staggering. You minutes after we aired the houses are empty and the churches were filled, people from Nashville to Minneapolis rose invocations and tore the clothes on the street. We began to realize, while we were destroying the New Jersey, we had underestimated the ' extension vein of folly in our America. "


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