Saturday, October 30, 2010

Button Down Shirt Tucked Or Untucked To Interview

planet of the apes, all

the flims
-other Planet of the Apes Beneath the Planet of the Apes
the first and second can go almost all, if the first movie shows the high points, the the second is a bit 'more sluggish, but seen in the continuum are a great work. Mighty
the end of the first of a surprise, even when seen and revised. If
qualccuno Dino read the novels, the differences are subtle, but sensitive to pprotagonista Taylor (Haeston) is French, the monkeys are very technologically advanced, as men of the earth to explain, the language spoken by the indigenous monkeys (novel ) and not English. Humans are naked in the novel.

Escape from the Planet of the Apes
and there is the sacred role of making us understand how it could be the transformation of the monkeys from animals to "human". a weak attempt to talk about the different and the hostility that trick that puts the community, weak screenplay, even more so because only then serabbero chimpanzees to be "evolved."
[color = blue] 1999, the conquest of the land [/ color]
one more question does not sleep through the major producer, "but how did the monkeys to become more powerful than men?"
Here's what you have asked producers and screenwriters. increasingly thin plot and messages. Invent the monkeys as pets, the education center found that if properly exploited could make another film the first and second asimvismi a Stalinist re-education, but so it was not) then

2670 last act (translation obscene original Battle for Planet of the Apes) finally the producers and writers have peace ends the circle, there's a nuclear war and the earth will be ruled by monkeys, apes the wise government of completely equal between the two species is reversed and the monkeys govern the world

Series TVCBS 1974

how to create it? simple and moving the time back about 800 years before the first film dua Stronati suffer a failure of their spacecraft and are projected into the future. Here, however, the company is different, humans are a bit 'more evolved, and especially from the standpoint of political
the monkeys are not exactly together. The simple plot
the two surviving astronauts are accepted by chimpanzees and gorillas are struggling to escape, while looking for a human computer finzionante into shape for the ship and come home. He did not iSuccess
trope and the first season was stopped
A Curos Hoddy McDowall played three different chimps in
- Cornelius in "Planet of the Apes" and "Escape from the Planet of the Apes
- Ceaser in "1999: Conquest of the Planet" and "2670:
last act"
- Galen in the TV series Planet of

Apes T Burton Directed

and what to do with this?
The beginning is promising: a clear homage to Kubrick's 2001 edel fantastic cinema of the 50s and 60s. The credits are from a review of Italian Peplum.
But then it deflates, the plot becomes predictable and boring viewing. It 'obvious that the aesthetics of Burton has complied with the law of the minimum risk and maximum gain. If in the past ipercaratterizzazione of the characters and the sharp division between good and evil not prevented him from playing with the nuances and shuffling the cards, consider, for example, Edward Scissorhands or Sleepy Hollow, Burton's Planet of the Apes is instructive, superfluous, trivial. No
narrative invention. The plot is very well known and is based on the classic triangle, so dear to the Majors, formed by the good, the bad and the woman who is between the two.
It seems to rivedereil terrible final act, with more money.
The only true moment of emotion is the ending of the movie, and then wait almost two pre for a dramatic turn of events speaks volumes.

Conclusion? buy the book: lol:

about a quote Mariangela Fantozzi is engaged for the umpteenth version of Planet of the Apes, as there is with makeup: (Fantozzi on the Range 1990)

How To Can Burnt Circulon Pot

72 years ago: War of the Worlds

At twenty o'clock in the October 30 1938, after the first notes of the music program, broke the voice of the Annunciation: "Ladies and gentlemen, please accept our apologies for the interruption of our program of dance music, but we just received a special bulletin the Intercontinental Radio News. At 7:40, Central time, Professor Farrell of the Mount Jennings Observatory, Chicago, Illinois, has found several explosions of incandescent gas that have occurred at regular intervals on the planet Mars. Spectroscopic investigations have established that the gases is hydrogen and is moving towards the earth at enormous speed ... "It began, 72 years ago reading recited by Orson Welles radio all'emitente CBS G. Wells's novel. At the end of the transmission, Orson Welles went to a nearby theater to take part in trials of an evening show, coming to notice only the day after the uproar that his interpretation had unleashed. Actually, Welles thought the adaptation was boring, and did not want to propose it, except that he was forced to use it because he found himself without any other interesting material available. The result was all too realistic and it was a huge advertisement for the director, who led RKO to offer him a contract for the construction of three films that Hollywood.Tanto Welles said later "They were the size of the reaction to be staggering. You minutes after we aired the houses are empty and the churches were filled, people from Nashville to Minneapolis rose invocations and tore the clothes on the street. We began to realize, while we were destroying the New Jersey, we had underestimated the ' extension vein of folly in our America. "

Saturday, October 23, 2010

How Much Did Tvs Drop In Price In 2010 Super Bowl

INPS: those who work with forward contract matures never retire!

The news is true, but hidden dimentcta eclipsed.
Anyone who works, but with temporary contracts, precarious, term employment contract (as we like to call it) will pay contributions, but to pay pensions to those who work with permanent contract.
All you can not pay because the INPS pensions too.
The mara sad truth is hidden, so to prevent revolt.

was stated by the president of the pension fund Antonio Mastropasqua, as Agoravox writes, he finally answered when asked why Social Security does not provide the simulation of the precarious their pension in the future as it does with other workers: "If we give the simulation of quasi-employees pension risk a social upheaval."

Intrage writes that the announcement was made during a conference: the main news was supposed to be that INPS will send next week, about 4 million letters to the quasi-employees, after those sent in July to employees to explain how to consult the online personal insurance status. To verify, that is, contributions that are paid.

The second news is that you can not, for the quasi-employees, on the same site to simulate what should be his retirement, as it can already do the employees. The reason for this difference seems to have been explained by Mastrapasqua just with that line. To say, in other words, if the various partners, consultants, project workers, employment contract, entered in separate management INPS, ie the quasi-employees, were aware of the truth, could seriously upset.
And the truth is that with the contribution system and the processing completed by contractors and consultants often do not reach the minimum pension.

The precarious, as they are called the quasi-employees for Social Security's "entrepreneurs of themselves" created by neoliberal policies, have no retirement. Contributions are charged unnecessarily or rather pay them because the Social Security can pay pensions to those who will mature. For parasubordinated the board will not arrive at the minimum, even if the quasi-subordinate will succeed in his career, not to lose even one year of contributions.

The only system that the INPS has found to face the bitter truth, was to hide from the future workers in their retirement will be there.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Can U Take Nyquil With Augmentin?

A little-known episode of the Cold War: the war South Africa-Angola

The fate of the former German colony in Africa South-West is very troubled, at the end of World War II, South Africa attempted to incorporate these territories (against the advice of the UN) and became the de facto fifth province, with representation in parliament.
The imported laws of apartheid South African government in that province by increasing the discontent of the population, until in 1962 occurred the first high-profile cases of guerrilla, with the formation of the armed wing of SWAPO Independence Party, People Liberation Army of Nambia (PLAN).
In September 1965 there was the first exchange of fire between quotas and South African revolutionaries.
During this first period were mainly the South African Police and the South West African Police (SWAPOL), supported by South African Force (SAAF), to thwart the activities of the rebels. Soon, however, the intensity of the fighting was such that the South African government had to create a special police unit for groped to marginalize this phenomenon and to quell the increasingly frequent now facing the black population in Namibia. The
neighboring Angola is home to many bases of rebel groups, being involved in the contemporary guerrilla against Portugal.
At the end of the sixties also gave rise to the counter insurgency unit known as the Koevoet which had as its task of combating the activities of guerrillas.
After the government called Carnation Revolution Lisbon recognized the independence of Angola.
In view of the promised independence from Portugal, the various fringes rebels began fighting among themselves for control of the capital Luanda. When the guerrillas but also took aim at the dam Calueque, which was built by the Portuguese in cooperation with South Africa to provide electricity to many urban areas in Namibia, the South African Army was forced to intervene.] The conflict was originally defined In Angola alone then assumed an international character.
In late 1975, the MPLA, backed by the Soviet Union took control of the capital of Angola. At the request of MPLA same Cuban and Soviet military advisers arrived in the African nation to train troops, especially local men and means to bring from Cuba The U.S. did not remain inetri and the CIA began to pass information to the FNLA and UNITA to fight the MPLA.
With 'Operation Savannah "South Africa invaded Angola in order to explicitly take possession of the hydroelectric dam Ruacana-Calueque. With the help of the FNL and UNITA, the South African armed forces were able to take control of the Benguela railway, which would allow, if necessary, a rapid withdrawal from the territory, and to ensure a supply route through an area inaccessible and almost devoid of roads.
The MPLA was increasingly sourcing by Soviet and quickly took complete political control of the country.
South Africa formed the Task Force Zulu composed of two groups fighting in Angola that infiltration of guerrilla operations with appropriate pave the way for an armed invasion itself. In just 30 days, the Task Force Zulu was able to travel over 300 kilometers of jungle, engaging in several clashes with guerrillas MPLA and reaching the end of the thirtieth day after the city of Ngunza. gin stand were sent three more battle groups.
took control on the key southern Angola in the areas concerned, it began operation Savannah. During this operation, at the request of the master FNL Holden Roberto, we also decided to attack Luanda. On November 9, 1975
artillery bombarded the Angolan capital of South Africa with 140mm howitzers.
But because of poor preparation of the FNL rebels, the attack was a failure and the South Africans had to withdraw.
South Africa withdrew its forces from Angola, while in the meantime more than thirty thousand Cuban soldiers were sent from Cuba in Angola at the request of Prime Minister
Cubans, using a greater armament than that of the South African armed forces, forced the Southern African troops to withdraw from the country in March 1976 that action was called Oerazione Carlota.
South Africa, however, does not end its support for UNITA in the fight against the MPLA. In the decade that followed, the South African Forces performed a number of military operations in Angola, Zambia, and Mozambique to counter a possible expansion of MPLA
despite continued UN resolutions on the Independence of Namibia South Africa continued to believe that its territory as part of the Nations process .
In 1982 the first foundations were laid for the independence of the country and provide it with its own constitution. A key role in the task of the mediator had the United States, since 1984, it employed them, without success, so South Africa's armed forces were withdrawn from Angola south. The role of the mediator
United States, however, was also subjected to heavy criticism, especially by those who seek to raise the recognition of the independence of Namibia at international level. Despite the American political promise in words a rapid end to the conflict, the United States seem to encourage South Africa to extend its sphere of influence on neighboring countries, providing Stinger missiles to UNITA, anti-tank missiles and weapons of any kind to counter ' MPLA.
In 1987, the Angolan government then decided to launch a massive offensive in the south of the country to regain possession of the southern regions. Despite the negative opinion of Cuban military advisers, the Angolan army launched an attack across the region along the border with South Africa. In response, South African forces invaded the southern regions of Angola once again giving way to military operations Modular and Hooper and resisting the regular forces of Angola to the town of Cuito Cuanavale from where it began the offensive. Consequently
Cuba sent 55,000 troops to Angola to repel the armed forces of South Africa. The two armies clashed in the battle of Cuito Cuanavale, the bloodiest ever in Africa after the end of World War II. Although both sides claimed victory, on this occasion, Cuban forces managed to repel the invaders in South Africa. The consequences were a strong offensive against the territory of Namibia and plants hydroelectric Calueque. The 27 MiG-23 giugno1988 some Cubans, who by then had managed to take the Angolan air supremacy of the skies, the hydroelectric plant bombed killing 12 South African soldiers. At the end of the South African Government proposed to the governments of Angola and Cuban

the truce in 1987 was taken into account the possibility of recognizing the independence of Change.
Cuba and the Soviet Union to secure the withdrawal of their troops as soon as the South African armed forces had withdrawn from Angola, and promised to cease the supply of arms to Angola. These agreements, which was attended by some Angola, Swapo and Cuba, the other South Africa and the United States, signed the request for ceasefire by the South African government gave new force to the UN resolution which was then ratified in December 1988. The Democratic Republic of Angola finally approved the Protocol of Brazzaville, the withdrawal of Cuban troops in place by accepting a commission of international observers headed by former Soviet Union and the United States for peacekeeping. At the same time South Africa agreed to sell the sovereignty of Namibia to the United Nations.
Despite the guarantee of independence from South Africa to receive the People's Liberation Army of Namibia, one of the armed wing of SWAPO, he decided to fill with about 2 000 men of the territories of northern Namibia to secure control of the country once it was become independent. On the advice of 'then British Prime Minister Mrs. Thacher, who was on a state visit to South Africa, Martti Ahtisaari took a small contingent of South African army to intervene to restore order in the northern provinces of the country.
The transition to 'independence lasted about eleven months, from every point of view was pretty quiet.
South Africa withdrew its troops from Namibia, political prisoners were released and 42 000 refugees preparing to return home. In November 1989 the first elections were held which saw the victory of SWAPO party with 57% of votes in a handful of votes from two-thirds majority needed to amend the constitution which was approved by South Africa. The opposition Democratic Turnhalle Alliance went to the party which received 29% of the vote. Finally, the first council meeting of the newly elected parliament, was held November 29, 1989.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What Store That Sell Nylon

Substitute of milk a fraudulent myth

How can a product invented to save a life in severe cases it has become customary for mothers and children who do not need them, replacing among other things a product at no cost , environmental quality and incomparable like breast milk? In this expansion has certainly contributed to social factors such as the shift from extended family to nuclear energy and the progressive incorporation of women the world of work. But an important role had the "mongering", the invention of a nonexistent need to "sell on the sound."
Henri Nestlé had saved the lives of premature and sick women milk with his meal, but soon became a consumer product imposed by advertising in all sections,

At the same time the invention and development of breastmilk substitutes, the birth and growth of modern scientific medicine. One of the characteristics of which was and is the medicalization, that is, the attempt or requirement to screen all medical events in the life of an individual who can affect your health. It happened with the birth, and it happened with the feeding of infants and children. Breast-feeding and weaning, which had been practiced for millennia in a natural way, through the intergenerational transmission of related behaviors, become the object of attention by pediatricians. We can not control the quantity and quality of breast milk, they welcomed the idea to use and prescribe a substitute. At first, the late nineteenth century, are opponents of industry, consider that it is up to them, and not "chemical" as Nestlé, Liebig and Mellin, determine the composition of the product. It is mainly pediatricians U.S. to launch the enterprise and to develop different "formulas" to dilute and mix cow's milk with other ingredients, in an attempt to make it suitable for infant feeding. The word "formula", which is still used in English to indicate the formula and now also coming into use in pediatric Italian dictionary, is born at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century the Faculty of Medicine at Harvard University. Around 1920, however, the majority of pediatricians, frustrated by the complexity of prescribing and preparing the formulas proposed by various schools of Pediatrics, now the recommended formula industry.

is formed and this, to consolidate following around the world, a close alliance between health care professionals, pediatricians in the first place, but not limited to, the industry that manufactures and markets breast milk substitutes. Alliance that ranges from research to training and the provision of services, but in any case, the industry integrates into its system of marketing. Despite major American medical journals, publishes English and German from the beginning of the twentieth century items that show that children fed with formula milk have a mortality rate, and more general state of health and nutrition, worse than that of breastfed infants breast.

Once the mothers, persuaded that the their milk is inadequate or inappropriate, try milk formula, the market for the same is guaranteed. The infant who, having taken milk formula, breast milk sucking less, in fact, that triggers physiological process that will take the mother to produce less and less, until exhaustion. The industry knows perfectly which is why this mechanism that concentrates its efforts on women who must decide how to feed the child and the first days after birth. Free supplies of infant formula to hospitals, now banned by law but still in vogue, have precisely this evil purpose: to make readily available substitute for breast milk so that it represents for everyone, mothers and caregivers, easy and immediate solution when you see the slightest problem with breastfeeding. Marketing is not solely responsible for these problems are certainly part of their health care providers are not adequately prepared to implement routines and practices that encourage breastfeeding. But if at least partly responsible, we must set limits to protect public health. We must not forget that in low-income populations are estimated at over one million children who die because they are breastfed.

or tried to show how the mechanisms that lead to widespread use and improper use of breastmilk substitutes are in place for over 100 years and are based on the same principles currently adopted by the multinational drug companies invent diseases and to make trade. Not for nothing that the infant formula industry, having done so over the years, its products, at least in Italy, are sold mainly in pharmacies, resist any attempt, from above and below, giving priority to sale through normal commercial channels. He wants to say that, as long as you can, its products kept in the collective imagination the appearance of a drug. Needless to say, in this dispute is able to have at his side, allies, the majority of pediatricians, which is unlikely to give up a conference or a course sponsored.

Some people think that this trend should be carried to excess, that the formula milk that is to be officially categorized as a drug (actually, in all countries of the world unless Israel is classified as a special food). In this way, say those who advocate this solution, would be usable only on prescription, and then only when mom and / or child is seriously ill and unable to breastfeed. The parallel story of "disease mongering" should teach us that this is not: a usable only on prescription medication can be like chewing gum.

It follows it is preferable to the opposite: that the milk formula should be compared to eggplant. Perhaps, downgraded from medical product to a vegetable, would cease to be attractive to paediatricians and to compete with breast milk.


R. Smith Investigating the previous studies of a fraudulent author. British Medical Journal 2005;331:288-91.