Saturday, June 12, 2010

Images Of Eczema Spots

on the meat we eat (part II) vs Europe

Cosa è emerso nel precedente articolo?

La carne di cui noi facciamo uso proviene da allevamenti innaturali, da animali che vivono in condizioni molto penose e in posti senza scrupoli contengono sostanze dannose e micoorganismi pericolosi.

In questa parte mi preme rilevare un dato che sfugge a molte persone.

Per ottenere un solo chilo di carne occorrono 15.000 litri d’acqua, 16 chili di cereali - For every kg of meat product, they are 16 kg of grain to feed animals.
This figure, compared to the mass of slaughtered meat (2,300,000 heads considering only cows and pigs), equivalent to 70-80% of cereal production worldwide.

An immense tide of food intended to feed a little more food for the rich portion of the world.

This mass of cereals also consumes a disproportionate amount of water for irrigation.
The Western world so eagerly eating meat gets what? Data obtained shocking: 1 billion and 142 million "wealthy" are overweight, 29 million people die every year overeating (divided between cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes).

remember 2 / 3 of the arable land is intended for use by livestock! We feed the animals for slaughter each year while 11 million children die of hunger and thirst, 900 million people in underdeveloped countries suffer from hunger. And now we know that grain cultivation had already more than enough to feed everyone enough to redistribute resources and reduce meat consumption in rich countries.

I reach the ear's response, " what can I do alone?"

A simple action: reducing diet carnea, as was made public by Rajendra Pachauri (Chairman of the Center for Study of the United Nations on Climate Change) to abolish from our dinner table once a week the meat would cause a cascading effect that would result in saving thousands of lives.
A small gesture, which is easily transmissible in the long run become an act of altruism and generosity.

But not all. The intensive farming of livestock are responsible for 18% of total emissions of greenhouse gases, the production of one kilogram of meat causes the emissions equivalent to 36.4 kg carbon dioxide, livestock are a direct source of methane.

Sources Renting


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