Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Waverly French Curtains



A phrase shouted that hurts deeply, but mum and not all addicts know. We are surrounded by psychotropic substances we ingest in the form of food and addictive real.

Let us remember that before buying the first food / drink that we see in a supermarket counter.

Substances divide in stimulating sedative, delirious.

compounds that make you feel more alert and energetic

The nerves communicate with each other electrochemical impulses that run along nerve fibers, including nerve fibers and cells following c 'is always a tiny space, to fill the nerve releases small amounts of chemicals (neurotransmitters) that affect the cell below.
Some neurotransmitters are strong stimulants that induce muscle cells to contract and glands to secrete other neurons to release an electric shock. Consequently, the effect
stimulant that we detect in the body is merely a reflection of the chemical energy that is to act in the nervous system. Stimulant causes the body to consume energy in greater quantities than normal. This is the reason why, after the stimulating effect (illusory and apparent), it was much more tired than before and discharges and other stimulants used to pull himself up, in a perverse and destructive vicious circle!

now know a bit 'of stimulant drugs.

Sugar à While our genetic makeup developed in a context in which nutrition is consumed (in the Paleolithic) only 2 kg per capita per year in the form of honey, we went to 5 kg of sugar in 1830 to reach 70 kg at the end of 1900!

Among other things, the zuccgero refined, unnatural that we use is one of the most toxic substance on the market. The basic component is treated with lime (which causes the destruction of all organic substances useful proteins, enzymes, salts, etc..), Then bleached with sulphurous acid, the end undergoes other processes, where it is filtered, centrifuged, and stained with ultramarine blue and idantrene (from tar, and carcinogenic).
The white powder obtained is sterile, to be treated, removes vitamins and minerals (calcium from bones and teeth : osteoporosis and tooth decay ) to recover at least partially destroyed the harmony of elements by refining . This process acidifies the soil organic .
A recent survey conducted by Bart Hoebel of Princeton Neuroscience Institute, found that sugar creates a real addiction and withdrawal symptoms similar to those caused by other drugs .
In the brain, when you take sugar, neurochemical changes occur which increase the dopamine , and This is why when you are suddenly deprived of a daily dose of sugar, it creates a real withdrawal symptoms.
This is caused by rapid absorption of sugar in the blood which raises blood sugar, and forces the pancreas to secrete insulin . This hormone makes the blood sugar to fall sharply (malaise, sweating, irritability, weakness) and need to eat more sugar to feel better, have you ever wondered why children are becoming more sugary drinks? (Iced tea, fruit juice, orange juice, cola)
The Nobel prize for medicine, the German Heinrich Warburg discovered that the metabolism of malignant tumors depends largely on the consumption of glucose.
fact Ingesting sugar or refined flour (pasta, bread, biscuits, bread sticks, etc..) Will raise the rate of glucose (blood sugar increases) in the blood and the body than free insulin, as we have seen, an IGF molecule with properties that stimulate cell growth.
Simply put sugar is the fuel of cancer.

Coffee à The caffeine is the most widespread and natural stimulant found in many plants.
Coffee would have been discovered by Ethiopian nomads who had noticed that their pets became more lively after eating the fruit of the coffee trees.

When they tried to eat the seeds, all became more spirited, but eventually learned to get a drink from the roasted seeds.
time, however, the coffee was only used in ceremonies and religious rites.

Coffee is a strong stimulating irritates the mucous membranes of the stomach and bladder (which then secrete mucus to defend), it provides poor digestion and prevent gastrointestinal absorption of sound nutritional principles. And 'one of the main destroyers of acidophilus bacteria intestine.
In the U.S., where you consume large quantities it is no coincidence that the brands of antacid is equal to the amount of brands of coffee.
In our society's dependence on coffee is very strong: many consumers are unable to think clearly in the morning and not even go to the bathroom without a daily dose. They suffer real withdrawal symptoms if they stop taking it. The reaction of abstinence begins 24-36 hours after the last coffee, and symptoms are headache, nausea, irritability, lethargy and vomiting. Fortunately, the symptoms last from 36 to 72 hours, but disappear quickly.
Johann Sebastian Bach was accustomed, if not magnified by the drink "Cantata of coffee. " The French writer Honore de Balzac, he could not work without drinking a kind of gruel thick that caused him pain and stomach cramps.

Thé à The tea is not irritating but since the coffee is always a powerful stimulant.
Its active ingredient is called theophylline, and the effects in the body when you drink in quantity, there is nervousness, agitation and insomnia.
As an exciting, the same thing just having coffee.

Cola à The cola nut is a seed or the tree of cola containing caffeine . Their taste is very bitter, and that is why in the cola market is fortified with sugar. The deleterious combination
sugar / caffeine in carbonated soft drinks, is particularly able to be addictive and that the producers know it very well.
for both parents should be aware that these drinks are poisonous drugs capable of affecting physical health and mood.

Guarana à Guarana is made from the seeds of a shrub of the Brazilian jungle. It contains more
coffee and caffeine is used to produce carbonated beverages or supplements stimulants.

Mate à In Argentina the drink to caffeine Mate is the most popular, made from the leaves of the ILO.

Chocolate à One of the best known sources of caffeine is chocolate, which is also derived from the seeds of a tree. Chocolate contains a lot of fat and is so bitter that must be mixed with lots of sugar to make it palatable.
addition to caffeine, theobromine contains (alkaloid), related substances and stimulants with effects similar. The same holds true for coffee with the aggravating circumstance that chocolate has a different alkaloid and is sweetened.

Tobacco à Tobacco is a plant that we know the most powerful stimulants and nicotine, its active ingredient, one of the most toxic drugs ever.
A typical cigar contains enough nicotine enough to kill several people (the tobacco burning destroys most). The
nicotine is so strong and dangerous that the human body quickly develops a tolerance to protect themselves.
the form of cigarettes, tobacco is a drug that causes more than ever addiction: ie crack! It seems incredible, but it is more difficult to get rid of the habit of smoking cigarettes stop taking heroin or alcohol.
inhaled deeply, the smoke nicotine leads vital brain centers concentrated in a few seconds, faster than injected heroin use. This explains why smoking causes an addiction so quickly.
Throughout the twentieth century the authorities encourage the use of this drug, on the pretext that promote concentration and relaxation.
In the fifties it was not strange to see the doctors advertise particular brands that can give "relief to the throat."
Towards the end of last century, the company's position changed with regard to tobacco.
Today risaputi despite all the dangers, the world's governments, trade of this drug awful lot of us earn billions every year, even the U.S. supports the tobacco industry from public funds!

Dairy à Inside of us are active drugs derived from opium and heroin: the endorphins!
In 1979 it was isolated a substance in cows' milk opioid: the beta casomorphin . It was subsequently determined other casomorphin, all peptides consisting of seven amino acids.
Some of bovine casomorphin have an action analgesic than to that of morphine itself. The casomorphin from cow's milk are more active than those from human milk.
It is believed that endorphins food in susceptible individuals may act directly or indirectly in the brain causing or increasing existing psychological symptoms.
E 'known neurotransmitters are synthesized by nerve cells so dependent on the composition of the blood and hence of' supply .

The neurotransmitter serotonin, tryptophan derived dall'aminoacido (Contained primarily in animal proteins).
The conversion of tryptophan is as follows: tryptophan -> 5-Hydroxytryptophan -> serotonin -> melatonin

Serotonin is also the precursor of melatonin, a hormone produced dall'epifisi functions Control of sleep wake rhythms. An excess of melatonin makes you sleepy and depressed physical and mental! Therefore, the consequences of a diet rich in tryptophan can cause depression in healthy humans.

Cereals à man there is an insufficient production of ' enzyme DPP-IV used to digest the protein of cereals (gluten ) and that of dairy (casein ) , that form molecules called esorfine, that if absorbed through the intestinal mucosa have an effect endorphin-like and .
' enzyme DPP-IV degrades only some peptides and is neutralized by sostaze how fluoride (toothpaste and water), lead and zinc. This enzyme deficiency
leads to
' incomplete digestion of proteins (casein, gluten) to form " abnormal peptides " they produce
- In the blood, an abnormal response of the immune system. However, these peptides are very similar to the lining of the intestine, which trigger for autoimmune diseases.
- through the mucosa to be occupy their receptor sites for endorphins. Their amino acid sequence ( gluteomorphin and casomorphin ) is similar to that of opiates and can increase the pain threshold, alter behavior and perception ...
Cereals belong to the family Gramineae and are rice, maize, millet, wheat, barley, Rye, Spelt, Kamut, Oats, Spelt and Triticale.
I totally gluten-free cereals are rice, maize, millet. Other sources of carb, gluten-free: tapioca, buckwheat, quinoa, amaranth, Date .

Unlike stimulants, sedatives are substances that lower the energy level of the nervous system, reducing sensitivity to external stimulation and high doses induce sleep

Alcohol à Alcohol psychotropic substance is the world's most popular and used daily by millions of people. Perhaps it is also the oldest drugs known to human.
Once inside the body, alcohol is rapidly absorbed from the digestive tract, enters the bloodstream and reaches the brain, which influence moods and behaviors. The body must work hard to eliminate alcohol: it burns a part as a fuel (liver) and expels an unchanged form of breath (lungs) and urine (kidneys). So the main excretory organs of the body are brittle to expel the alcohol, but what will be most affected is the liver in the long run becomes more swollen and full of fat (steatosis), losing many of its important metabolic functions.
The direction of heat produced by alcohol is misleading: it is due to increased blood flow to the skin and this allows heat to dissipate in the air, cooling the body dangerously.
Alcohol, among other things, is a strong diuretic: it increases the amount of urine, and this is a clear signal that the kidneys are struggling to expel the poison, making the body lose water and brittle these key groups. Great drinking can cause severe dehydration of the tissues.
Out of every discussion that alcohol is the most toxic of the drugs examined, nevertheless, is our own company to make alcohol its drug of choice, thanks to the fact that governments, as in the case of tobacco, we earn disproportionate numbers.
no incentive to educate people about the dangers of these poisons in toxic and dangerous.

Il delirio è uno stato di disturbo mentale caratterizzato da confusione e disorientamento. Dosi eccessive della maggior parte delle sostanze psicotrope danno luogo a delirio in quanto tossiche per il cervello.

Solanacee à La famiglia delle piante solanacee comprende alcuni prodotti naturali molto diffusi: pomodori, peperoni, peperoncini, melanzane e patate. Ne fanno parte anche piante tossiche come il tabacco, e alcune piante magico-velenose come il giusquiamo, mandragola, stramonio e belladonna.
solanaceous they look scary: they are lush plants, flowers and hairy with strange smells very strange.
All parts of these plants contain scopolamine, a drug that causes delirium and which is highly poisonous. The highest concentration is in the seeds, while the roots have not, why are the safest to eat. However, roots, seeds, leaves and flowers can be eaten, smoked, made into a herbal tea infusion to obtain hallucinogenic.
induced mental effects are: restlessness, disorientation and delirium, including hallucinations too intense and vivid. The ability of scopolamine
disconnecting, who takes them from reality ordinary, explains their spread in some quarters disreputable ...
Pharmacology still uses the drug scopolamine as it is sold as a sleeping bench or in the form of tablets for colds and allergies, to dry a runny nose. Be careful with
This is not to say that it is dangerous to eat potatoes or tomatoes or eggplant! These fruits of the earth, when eaten in proper combinations and sequences provide important nutritional principles. Potatoes, especially (the fastest to digest starch), should be cooked in the oven with the peel and eat themselves along with raw vegetables. We do not recommend pairing them with cereals and / or animal protein!

Nutmeg à Nutmeg is the seed, covered by an outer casing that mace, a tropical plant. It contains a drug called myristicin that the body can be transformed into one of the hallucinogenic amphetamine analogues.

After listing the natural chemicals contained in certain foods and / or plants, ranging to interact with the CNS, we should add a chapter the-counter drugs.
Many products on sale, considered harmless even by prescribers, and used by millions of people every day for various health problems, interact dangerously with our CNS. They are useful to know in order to avoid free to mental illness, especially for children.

Antihistamines à allergies are increasing in our society and not by chance that antihistamines are among the most drugs ever consumed.
But what interests us is that our nervous system is strangely very sensitive to these drugs.
Some allergic reactions are mediated by an endogenous substance, which is produced by the body, there is called histamine .
drugs in an attempt to eliminate the symptoms of allergies, blocking the action of histamine, which is blocking the important work that is making nature. That's why with antihistamines do not cure any allergy ever!
However, antihistamines cause of the profound changes of mood, make depressed, acids, apathetic and incapable of thinking clearly. Obscure thought.
psychotropic substances are!
This is why some antihistamines, such as the Piribenzamina , are used by addicts to get high. It is also sold
Nopron , called "Mother's manager syrup", and given by pediatricians to sleep unaware toddlers.
The use of this drug (hypnotic) is very common in young children who cry at night and / or crying after, for example, the feeding of cow's milk. Cow's milk is one of the most intolerant of substances that exist, and the children, more often, they cry because of the toxic action which in the intestine.

What about now?

We have seen that our diet is primarily made up of useless unless harmful substances, especially because the concentration of the same is very high compared to what we can be really useful to the pragmatic approach is given by the sugar, the brain uses sugar to live, but the amount of the same present in foods is much higher due to produce results very unlucky.