Saturday, July 31, 2010

What Kind Of Baby Bathwash Do I Get?

on the meat we eat (part III and final)

" I have no doubt that the diet mainly meat spoil the kidneys, especially Whereas the experiments of dr. Newburgh, which we can prove, with mathematical certainty, produce Bright's disease in mice also, putting them on a diet with plenty of flesh " (Hindhede M., MD, Commissioner of Health in Denmark).

one time believed that the meat was necessary to produce blood.
Now it is known that the fresh fruits, vegetables, berries, even paradoxically, provide the nutrients most beneficial to those provided by the best steaks.

The beef soup has long been considered a valuable tonic and stimulating, almost indispensable for the sick weak. Now it is known that the opposite is true.

Dr. Austin Flint, of Bellevue College Hospital, one of the leading physicians of America, did a chemical analysis of beef broth, and found that the result was virtually the same as analysis of urine. It 's inevitable that this is so, because the beef broth, beef broth, chicken broth, boiled meat and meat extracts are all kinds of artificial preparations, consisting of the disintegration of tissues.

Dr. Bouchard found that adding the meat in the diet, the toxicity of the urine increased by 50%, and if the diet consisted entirely of meat, increased the toxicity of 400%.
A diet of lean meat has long been considered beneficial in cases of obesity. Now is known that in such cases there is an abnormal tendency to develop diabetes, and this increases eating meat.

The beri-beri, scurvy, rickets and pellagra are deficiency diseases, and often result from eating too much meat. All types of meat lacks many elements that the body must have to build healthy tissues. The meat is very deficient in vitamins and calcium salts. On the other hand, fresh fruit berries and vegetables that are rich in vitamins and salt, and ate will take all the vitamins and salts that the body needs. A few years ago a stomach specialist startled the medical world by saying that "the stomach ulcer is a disease of those who eat meat." Cancer of the stomach and intestines originating from the same cause.

Those meat eaters, which are too weak to abandon the habit, and those whose dividends depend on the meat canning industry, are always ready to make a big publicity to any information that seems to help their cause. Many people believe that to have strength and stamina you need to eat red meat. They seem to forget that the oxen and elephants take their great strength and the blood from the grass and leaves, rich in vitamins, calcium, iron and other minerals.

Information about the risks of eating meat, should be sufficient to greatly reduce the consumption of meat.

E 'was recently in the laboratory of Physiology of Harvard that a diet of meat due to the increased rate of heart beat surprising speed and durability. After a meal of meat, the increase in heart rate is regularly 25 to 50% above the level in relation to fasting, and persists in experimental subjects, 15 to 20 hours, causing a fatigue failure over the long term harmful.

Meat, down in the digestive tract form decomposition products that give the breath a nauseating smell that you try to correct flavored chewing gums and candies. The dentist says that the smell comes from bad teeth, showing how much has still to learn. The last war

needs are served to demonstrate the value of a low protein diet. Pigs and cattle were killed in Europe in order to maintain supplies of food, and people are fed for some time especially fruit and vegetables. The result was a one-third reduction in mortality, as well as a large reduction of disease. Some diseases such as diabetes, obesity, gout, digestive disorders, problems of liver and kidney and other diseases of food disappeared almost completely.

people ruin their health by eating meat, then pay the doctors to be treated for symptoms that come from this abuse. Many physicians are unaware of the causes behind the symptoms of some diseases, because they eat freely meat as many of their patients, and suffer and die prematurely of the same "disease".

The food industry has focused a downward spiral, making the meat to its low price, pushing the man from animal to animal carnivore omnivore . The body needs all the nutrients and these can only draw from a varied diet, given by the daily rotation of vegetables and meat. It 'disappeared into the habit to feed on fish eggs and viable substitutes to meat, as it forgotten is that legumes are equally valid nutritional substitute the meat dish.

Let us return to our origin and alimentiamoci by nature and not according to the dictates of the machine of commerce, we vary the diet and the meat let's use it sparingly with the right, we will draw a double ENEFITS and why not in health savings.